The MEK as crisis mongers

MKO footsteps in the recent chaos

Recent information obtained from Paris, London and the UAE reveal that MKO has come under the full mercenary of CIA by providing mental and human resources as well as intelligence help to America’s Central Intelligence Agency so as to play a major joint role in the production of chaos and insecurity inside Iran.

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Iran finds US-backed MKO fingermarks in riots

The terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO,MEK/PMOI) has reportedly played a major role in intensifying the recent wave of street violence in Iran. Iranian security officials reported Saturday that they have identified and arrested a large number of MKO members who were involved in recent riots in Iran’s capital. According to the security officials, the arrested members had confessed that they were extensively trained in Iraq’s camp Ashraf to create post-election mayhem in the country.

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Democracy in Action Leaves Regime Change ;Rajavi in the Cold

The peaceful demonstrations and debates and insistence on achieving demands is clearly on going and while no one doubts that this political struggle will continue even after the Friday prayers led by Ayatollah Khamenei, it is now clear that the advocates of violence and so called revolution or ‘regime change’ have been left out in the cold..This weekend the Mojahedin Khalq cancelled its planned event in Paris. Instead, the cult is recruiting people through false associations and groups in order to take advantage of the current unrest in Iran.

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MEK: an obstacle to Obama administration’s debate with Iran

MKO’s involvement in terrorism is very clear in its four-decade history. It assassinated several American civilians and military personnel’s working in Iran in the 1970’s. Once MKO has been disarmed by the US army, they have no more arms to assassinate their targets physically but this does not end their terrorism since MKO is a terrorist group by nature which has all the criteria of a destructive cult because of its destructive approaches against its victims. MKOCult maintains its terrorist nature by its manipulative mind control system.

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To: German Embassy in Paris

I was informed by the Iranian opposition media today, such a terrible shocker, so that one of Mojahedin victims called Mohammad Sobhani was recently attacked by the Mojahedin cult [PMOI/MEK/MKO]terrorists in Cologne..As I closely know them and on the other hand, the historical and political reality and experience during last three decades has shown that the terrorism and the thought of cultism does not recognize any kind of geographical and moral border. Therefore, such terrorist activities by this cult are natural and expectable.

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Struggle for a new home

Blacklisted a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) whose activities are banned in the US, MKO has initiated a propaganda blitz there along within a number of European countries to draw attention for the protection of Camp Ashraf, its main cult bastion located in Iraq that houses majority of its captivated members… MKO believed that the alliance with Iraq could play a decisive role to alter the course of the war that was threatening the invader himself. The Iraqi soil offered MKO the opportunity to form the Liberation Army so it could stage cross-border attacks at the right time. Closeness to Iranian borders could facilitate it for the supposed sympathizers to join the group more easily and, on the other hand, the operational teams could easily penetrate to launch terrorist operations.

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Mojahedin Khalq outraged at Iraq’s trial decision

A front man for the MKO has protested against Iraq’s decision to bring to trial the leaders of the terrorist group… In a Press TV program aired on Tuesday, Iraq’s National security Advisor, Muwaffaq al-Rubaie said the members of the MKO who had committed crimes against Iraqi civilians had to stand trial in Iraqi courts…The Iraqi government has vowed to expel the members of the group to their country Iran or send them to a third country, maintaining ‘staying in Iraq is not an option for them’.

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Terrorist groups says Iran NIE wrong…

..what the Wall Street Journal is saying is that a terrorist group on the US State Department’s list of terrorist organization – who has also killed US citizens and was close to Saddam Hussein – is unhappy with the Iran NIE. Moreover this same group is close to the Vice President, who chose to protect his friends rather than hand them over to Iran in exchange for…Iran giving up all enrichment activities -..

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PMOI creates sedition among Iraqis

MKO terrorist organization plays an active role in provoking sectarian conflicts between Iraqi people. The group with some terrorist entities has set up headquarters in Camp Ashraf northeast of Baghdad and provides material support to terrorists in Diyala province…as Iraqis we address the UN Security Council and the Organization for Human Rights and the neighboring countries and multinational forces in Iraq to issue a statement to the Iraqi government by taking out the terrorist organization from Iraq after the prosecution by the Criminal Court of Iraq

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