The MEK as crisis mongers

MKO threatens Iraqi newsmen with death

These newsmen had published documents on the MKO having a hand in suppressing the Intifada of Iraqi Shiites. Albayyenah also adds: As a result of these open threats, the Iraqi Newsmen’s Union will condemn the MKO’s recent measure through issuing a formal statement. The MKO terrorist cult has also already threatened Ali Dabbagh, an Iraqi government spokesman who is also responsible for Iraq’s Research Center

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Getting to know MKO hooligan Leila Jaza’eri

In the court session a person called Leila Jaza’eri from England was called by the MKO advocate as a witness. Here we give some details about her background. A’zam Farahani Mullah-Hassani Kohneh, who has now changed her name to Leila Jaza’eri is an active supporter of the proscribed terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organisation of Iran (MKO) in London. In the early 80s she married another supporter of the MKO

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Uprooting Terrorism, the Solution to Chaos in Iraq

the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) or the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) terrorist groups turn Iraq into a base against friendly countries in the region. That is what Iraq needs to end a phase of anarchy following the fall of the dictator who acted as the god-father of terrorism and groups like MKO that is notoriously known to have acted as Saddam’s mercenaries and private army.

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Masud Khodabandeh replies and”Alseyassah”explains

He also gives the reason why it was published. Mr Khodabandeh explains that he lives in the United Kingdom and is currently visiting Iraq at the invitation of government officials, and was invited in order to attend various meeting on the issue of foreign terrorist groups in Iraq. He adds that”in the course of this work I have regular contact with the US army and relevant humanitarian bodies and I am seeking ways to rescue people from the hands of the Saddamists in Diyali province”

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Mojahedin Khalq threatens to kill an author

Bad-mouthing the critics and threatening them to death is the characteristic of criminal gangs and terrorist groups that advocate violence and atrocity as the sole working apparatus to achieve the ends. For instance, in an angry backlash against a series of articles by Bahar Irani published in, the last of which was Arab countries, Latin America or Africa, where will MKO settle after Iraq? one of MKO’s penman…

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MKO tactic of duplicity to stay in business

..No other Iranian opposition group has actively challenged the new NIE’s credibility. Following the organizational tendency of duplicity to escalate the tension whenever it grabs any opportunity, NCRI’s Washington spokesman, Alireza Jafarzadeh, claimed that Iran’s nuclear program is managed by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp’s (IRGC) scientists during a Fox News interview. ..

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Tactics to Fool People

In other words, what the vote of a mere 300,000 reflects, is that the MEK is controlled by Cheney, or by the same people who control Cheney, who desire a war with Iran. 300,000? The growing number of MySpace and Facebook users should remind us that large groups of people can be influenced

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Another Big Crowd of Advocates!

Cernig goes through a propaganda claim about how 300,000 Iraqis supposedly signed a petition complaining about alleged Iranian involvement in Iraq. The claim is strongly supported by a globally blacklisted terrorist organization, Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO), aka MEK, PMOI, NCRI.

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