The MEK as crisis mongers

Mujahedin’s hatred towards Peace Movement

Its principal objective is challenging wars especially imperialistic wars. And of course, in all peace movements most of their efforts are focused on fighting US imperialism since the thing that is important to Europeans and Americans is the take over of neo-cons and neo-liberals in Europe and America. Neo-cons and neo-liberals have violated people‘s civil rights and social and political..

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Dubious Sources of Disinformation Campaign

..In his propaganda blitz, Petraeus resorts to information provided by notorious terrorist groups that have long been listed on the State department’s FTO. As the article points out, “Petraeus’s dubious sources include the ragtag Mujaheddin-e Khalq (MEK), a micro-terrorist group that used to be harbored by Saddam Hussein inside Iraq and now is protected by the Americans …

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Shahsavandi: MKO a gadget exploited by the West

Explaining on the disappearance of Massoud Rajavi and the underlying causes, he said that Rajavi had nothing more to present. He has already talked of whatever position and stances he is holding and has nothing more to add. The only fact he has to come and admit is that his past strategies have proved to be…

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The Terrorists’ Job of Waging War

Barton Kunstler’s article, Why We Cannot – and Will Not – Attack Iran contributed for opednews, well explains illogicality of such a plan and irrationality of relying on disinformation by a terrorist group that through parlaying its baseless exposure on various mainstream media outlets in world tries to escalate the already existing tensions.

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MKO Abusing a Nation’s Championship

a proscribed terrorist group that enjoys support of the US forces in Iraq, looks at it much because the group is at odds with the Iraqi government over its decisiveness to expel the terrorist group from Iraq. Once forming close alliance with Saddam against Iran, MKO acted also as his loyal mercenaries in suppression of uprising Iraq dissidents. After the fall of the dictator, in a shift of position the group claimed to be standing beside the Iraqi people in a unified front

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MKO, Political Refugee or Opposition Force?

MKO’s so-called political stance toward the Iraqi government, parliament, and constitution display tokens of interference in internal affairs of Iraq. To what extent these hostile and blasphemous attitudes are in broad violation of what MKO claim to be asylum rights activities according to international conventions is a matter of consideration.

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giant leap in wrong direction

The mission described as”a definite misnomer”the appellation”democratic”for the MKO terrorist group, saying,”The MKO has an eclectic ideology that blends Stalinist Marxism and militant leftism with ossified interpretations of Islam (like Al Qaeda), espousing the idea of urban guerrilla warfare.”The letter called on the authors to pay attention that”it is not only the US government but also the European Union which have branded the MKO as terrorist,

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MKO, al-Qaeda co-op disclosed

In early 2007, the Iraqi government announced that MKO interferes in Iraq’s internal affairs and ordered them to leave the Arab country. Meanwhile, the Iraqi government spokesman said that MKO can choose between returning to Iran or go to another country. Ali al-Dabbagh stressed that Iraqi Constitution does not allow granting asylum to any terrorist organization

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Iranian group in Iraq ‘threat to security’

An agreement has been reached by Iraq and Iran to raise the issue of an Iranian opposition group based in Iraq in the next round of talks between the United States and Iran.Iraqi parliamentary sources told Gulf News according to an Iraqi-Iranian agreement the presence of Mujahideen Khalq Organisation (MKO) in Iraq will be discussed in US-Iran talks.

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