The MEK as crisis mongers

Proscribed terrorist MKO attack the Seminar on”Cults and Violence”in Paris

about 50 members of the proscribed terrorist entity, Mojahedin Khalq Organisation (MKO) who had been dispatched from Britain, Belgium, Switzerland, Netherlands and Germany, attacked a seminar organised by the Association for the Protection of Iranian Immigrants. The venue was at FIAP in the 14th District of Paris. The attackers used knives, broken bottles, etc and injured many of the guests as well as some of the organisers. More than 13 people were injured seriously

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MKO and the US presidential election

The US forthcoming presidential election has turned to feed MKO’s propaganda machine in its antagonizing position against Iranian regime. The group seems to be walking onto the front of the republican candidate Duncan Hunter because he is showing more hostile attitude toward Iran.

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MEK cooperate with local insurgents

Released in IraqSlogger Daily Column, Zeyad Kasim quoted the Shaheed Al-Mihrab Foundation’s website revealing MEK terrorist operation in Iraqi soil. The Shaheed Al-Mihrab Foundation, a SIIC-sponsored Shi’ite organization led by Ammar Al-Hakim, son of SIIC leader Abdul Aziz Al-Hakim, accused Mujahideen e-Khalq, an Iranian militant opposition group in Iraq

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MKO, the Invisible Occupiers

Mojahedin have to make their destiny tied with their stay in Iraq. However, the insistence of Iraqi government to expel MKO for its interference in internal affairs and its link with questionable groups indicates that MKO’s present stay in Iraq is indebted to the Iraq’s instable situation. The comments of Shirvan al-Vaeli, Iraq’s security minister published in ‘Al-Hayat’ newspaper in London indicates that”Initial agreements have been reached between Iraqi government and the US” concerning the situating of MKO in Iraq.

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MKO, Hated by Iraqis

The main reason was that Saddam wanted to change human structure of Iraq while Shiites and Kurds comprised more than 80 percent of Iraqi population. After revolution in Iran and closure of US and Israeli embassies in Tehran, Americans thought of coup in Iran in order to compensate their failure.

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MKO trains Al Qaeda in Iraq

MKO’s military facilities, backed by US army, are currently used as safe training camps for hundreds of Al Qaeda terrorists preparing themselves for attacks which have claimed thousands of civilian lives after the US-led invasion of the country in 2003, IRNA reported.

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Rajavi’s cult Should Change Tactics

Bigger concern for Rajavi’s gang was that Iran could get upper hand in this process. They claimed that Iran was trying to produce nuclear bomb in order to instigate the US to attack Iran, which was the only option for that phase in their view.

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MKO Rides Terror Boat

Since it’s a terrorist organization, MKO uses the same methods of Baathists against the people of Iraq. They obeyed ousted regime of Saddam Hussein and they did their best to serve as wanted. They were involved in suppressing the uprising of Sha’banieh and attacks on villages and town in southern and northern Iraq.

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