The MEK as crisis mongers

Unconscious Intelligence Sources!

The MKO’s project, called”Hostage taking Crisis”, was aimed at instigating British government against Iran. They tried to convince Britons that Iran’s move was in response to UN Security Council’s resolution. According to the analyses of Rajavi’s gang, this crisis could last for months and they had to do their best to prevent a diplomatic resolution.

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British claim on the captured marine in Persian Gulf discredited by allowing Rajavi terrorist cult to act as its spokesman

While diplomatic efforts, together with wider western pressure, are being used to resolve the crisis, the British Government’s position was discredited by allowing an interview with the Mojahedin Khalq Terrorist organisation (Rajavi cult) representative, Hussein Abedini (Mojahedin Khalq Organisation or National Council of Resistance of Iran) in London .

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The Sellers of National Jubilant

The cult leaders are not ashamed of selling people’s delight for their organization’s interests since they have chained parts of people’s heart in their cult. How long more should Iranian families be waiting to see their beloved kept forcefully in the cult returned to them?

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MKO, Sectarian Terrorist Organization

As it served the goals and interests of Saddam’s regime in the past, it is now acting to deepen tribal differences. Some Imperialist forces have tied their hopes to this terrorist group and even use this organization against Shiites of Iraq and Iran; they use it for illegal operations.This group has an active role in destabilizing the security and supporting terrorists. For instance, we can discuss the status of Dyala ..province.

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The Plots of Cult against Iraqi Government

The terrorist MKO thought it could intensify US’s confrontation with Iran and pave the way for a big attack on Shiite figures and MPs. However, this failed and no one paid attention as if all sides in Iraq have all understood the fact that it was only a tactic to help the survival of the group.

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Adnan Al-Dulaimi, The Master of Civil Wars

When Zarqawi, Al-Qaeda’s number one in Iraq, was killed Iraqi security forces found the mobile phone number …Iraqi security advisor, announced at that time that the government had found precious documents..the Iraqi government was pressed by Americans not to pursue the issue…

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Coalition of Zionists, Wahabis and Baathists

The role of mercenaries of Mojahedin-e Khalq terrorist organization also should be considered. This treacherous group, ready to sell itself, is angry from Iraqis, Shiites and Kurds and works hard alongside Wahabis and Baathists to promote terrorism. This group is a tool in the hand of Mossad and America.

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MKO Admits Cooperation with Terrorists

Iraqi PM’s Security Advisor Shirvan Vaeli said in an interview with Al-Forat TV:”Mojahedin-e Khalq has made alliance with Al-Qaeda in Dyalah province; it’s conducting terrorist activities in this province.”Vaeli said he had documents proving the existence of link between the MKO and some MPs who try to ruin the government….

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Rumsfeld-Wolfowitz and MKO Against Iraqis

Following the fall of dictatorial regime in 2003, coalition forces surrounded the MKO and forced them to give up their arms but allowed them to stay in their camp. Several MKO members in Iraq left the country to get to a European nation but many others remained in MKO camps. Some others started serving remnants of Baath party and were actually welcomed by Baathists who considered them as the guests of Saddam.

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The Elections to Foster Hope of Overthrow

For nearly two decades, Mojahedin have continued to predict the Islamic Republic’s collapse. In all these years, unpredicted and unapproachable regional, domestic and international crises were said to have weakened the pillars of the Islamic rule to bring about its collapse. They had the least attention to people’s role and social factors in all these years. In 1995 presidential election for example, Mojahedin were shocked to see that Khatami’s victory swept all other major rivals ..

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