The MEK as crisis mongers

State Dept. Rules Out Iran “Secret Nuclear Facility”

The State Department said Friday that controversial claims made earlier this week by a often-criticized dissident group about a “secret nuclear facility” in Iran will not affect ongoing multilateral negotiations over Tehran’s nuclear program. The allegations–established about a facility called “Lavizan-3” by a …

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MKO propaganda to manipulate US hardliners

Last month’s extension of the nuclear talks between Iran and the West provoked American hardliners and warmongers who were already manipulated by the Mujahedi khalq Organization (the MKO). For instance Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO) –who is on the payroll of the MKO aka MEK/PMOI propaganda arm—has allegedly said it is”incredibly bad judgment to continue …

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Direct, intentional, unmistakable support for the terrorist MKO

General Hugh Shelton is the permanent participant of Maryam Rajavi’s masquerade shows in Paris. He is always offered luxurious trips to flatter Mrs. Rajavi. Shelton’s shilling for the MKO is also observed in his piece on Global Research. Persuading the US foreign policy makers to apply pressure against Iran. He often praises Maryam Rajavi for her rhetoric and warmongering ideas.

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The MKO part of the Middle East crisis and threats

The paid American politicians may not know that Iranians loathe the MKO and the violent substance of the MKO/MEK/PMOI under the leadership of the Rajavis could be a potential ISIS under Abubakr Al Baghdadi. They seem to think it is more admirable to speak on behalf of a formerly terrorist designated group when it is motivated by a desire to help them overthrow the Islamic Republic but they do not seem to ponder the threat…

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MKO and ISIS constitute an Axis of the Israeli Evil

Even if the MKO/MEK/PMOI is able to wipe its history of cooperating with terrorist extremists –there are many reports of links between the Cult of Rajavi and other terrorist groups including Jundullah and its new affiliate Jaish aladl– its association with Israeli Empire cannot be neglected because in this case this is Israel that decides how, when, and where to use its proxy.

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