The MEK as crisis mongers

Saudi Arabia and Israel use MKO to destabilize Iraq

the group’s presence in Iraqi soil is not in accordance with the countries’ interests especially because the group allied with Saddam regime and killed Iraqi people . There are evidences of their cooperation with Saudi Arabia as well as Zionist Regime . With regard to the group’s continuous interference in Iraq’s internal affairs their presence in the country is illegal and the group members are not eligible to legally entitle to the refugee Status.

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Meet The Weird, Well-Connected Ex-Terrorists

Jeremiah Goulka, a former RAND researcher who has made repeated visits to Camp Ashraf, said MEK leaders physical cut their members off from the outside world, limit their access to outside newspapers or TV stations, and enforce gender segregation and celibacy. He said the MEK required its followers to attend regular sessions where …

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Swiss police prevent Mojahedin Khalq disruption in Geneva

Experts in MEK behaviour however, believe this could trigger rogue activity and continue to advise western security services to maintain vigilance over the group’s members. Operating as a cult, the MEK/MKO/PMOI leaders depend on retaining members through priming them for and involving them in specific activities which include aggression and acts of violence. Although …

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MEK leader set to use violence to disrupt Geneva talks

The security of meetings held in Geneva is not in your hands, nor is it in the hands of Iran, but violent activity will have dire consequences for all sides. It is important to put the MEK where it belongs – it has no place in the political process. The group is purely a brand and a tool. Once a group is named as a tool in the hands of paying …

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MEK Makes Desperate New Iran Nuclear Accusation, Reuters Yawns

With the world anticipating real progress at the next round of P5+1 talks set to start next week in Geneva, the MEK is getting desperate. Because they appear to only want a violent regime change in Iran, talk of actual diplomacy is their worst nightmare. Today, Reuters reports on the latest wild accusation tossed out by the MEK using the “umbrella”…..

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MKO survival dependent on creating crisis

Four former members of the Muhajedin-e-Khalgh Organization known as MKO in a press conference in Tehran shed light on the role of the MKO in eight years of Iraqi war against Iran in the 1980s. The former MKO members said that since the beginning, the leaders of the organization were looking for a source of support

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Former U.S. officials at MEK rally outside UN

Kennedy, along with Bolton, Giuliani and Steele have all received handsome speaking fees in the past from MEK-affiliated organizations. They were among a gaggle of former U.S. officials who lobbied the U.S. hard in recent years to take the MEK off the State Department terrorist list. The lobbying effort bore fruit last year when the State Department did just that, despite the MEK’s past involvement in violent attacks. The MEK had been trained by the U.S. in Nevada ….

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Pentagon supports MEK, insurgent group collaboration

Al-Falluji told Ashraf News that the Mojahedin Khalq enjoys unconditional support from the U.S. Department of Defense, adding that “the existence of this organization in Iraq poses a challenge for the country, especially with the growing violence in the country and the events experienced by Syria”. He concluded that the situation posed …

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