Defectors of Mujahedin khalq

MKO ex-members’ letter to the President of EP

The aim of the leaders of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI), which Mr Vidal-Quadras is pursuing in the European Parliament very determinedly, is to keep the people in Ashraf cult garrison isolated from the outside world since only in this case could they be trained to execute sabotage activities inside Iraq … We of course do agree with him that a disaster is about to happen and also the fact that the issue of the Ashraf cult garrison is not a political matter but a human rights one. But those who have lost many years of their lives being captive in that garrison would also like to alert international public opinion to the threats against the innocents in that garrison from the MKO leaders.

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MEK helped suppressing 1991 uprising – defector

MEK played a prominent role in repressing the intifada in the southern Iraqi cities in 1991 as it sent forces from the organization to the cities of al-Amara and Diala, as the former regime did not rely on its soldiers more than relying on the MEK/MKO/PMOI fighters in this particular respect,” Batoul Soltani said in a press conference she held in Baghdad on Saturday

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The Iranian Pen Club letter to the main political Parties of Spain

As you are aware, when Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq was removed, some terrorist Cults with regional and international activities lost their only godfather and benefactor. One of them is the Mojahedin-e Khalq organisation aka MKO/MEK/PMOI. Also the Mojahedin have alienated their own members and supporters who dare to speak about these realities. The organization imprisoned them so the others would understand the price of criticism. There are many who have had to undergo imprisonment and torture ordered directly by Mr and Mrs Rajavi. Above and beyond that, was the exposure of the plans of the so called National Council of Resistance to eliminate disaffected members and critics.

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Perception of British support for MKO terrorist cult

.. although a resolution pushed through the European Parliament by the MKO’s promoters there has already been watered down to nothing by opponents. ..In this ‘game’ it must be understood clearly that the MKO is not a problem for Iran. Instead it is a very real problem for Iraq. MKO/PMOI/MEK promoters have already shown a remarkable unwarranted animosity and arrogance toward the Government of Iraq in challenging its decision to close Camp Ashraf and remove MKO members from the country …

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Regime change in Iraq resulted dramatic changes for Rajavi

(Memoirs of Ms. Batoul Soltani – Part 12 )..In 1985 and 1986, Rajavi began his military campaign by bringing his innocent sympathizers from all over the world to Iraq by any means he could, including force, intimidation, and deception. They sent smugglers to gather homeless youth and bring them into the organization. When the recruits were transferred to Iraq, they settled in Camp Ashraf in North of Iraq. From the beginning, MKO/PMOI/MEK needed to have a section to organize its relations with the Iraqi government so it was established and named Foreign Relations Department.

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Open letter of Mr. Sobhani to Prime Minister of Spain

In 1992 I became an outspoken critic of what is known as the”forced divorces”and of what is known as”armed struggle”. More than that, I criticised what was apparent about the special relations between the organisation and Saddam Hussein, the ousted dictator of Iraq. I was imprisoned for a few months in solitary confinement inside Ashraf camp and over all spent about 8 years in different prisons. .MR. VIDAL QUADRASS visited from Camp of Ashraf in Iraq for more help to this terrorist cult last year. But without any human rights Organisation representative accompanying his good self.,

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We are all surprised that MR. VIDAL QUADRASS is helping and backing up such a cruel and bloodthirsty cult which has committed numerous crimes not only against its own members but also against the people of Iraq. Before MR. VIDAL QUADRASS, MR. CASACA, a politician from Portugal, was doing the same job in favor of PMOI, backing up and helping PMOI in European Parliament, but we saw that he lost his popularity in European Parliament and they did not vote for him and he had to withdraw from European politics..

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Open letter to President Talebani

But we also see the Problem, what to do with the inhabitants. They cannot be deported back to Iran without violating international law and human rights and without bringing them in danger to be prosecuted or imprisoned.You can approach your aim easier – try to get the members of the MKO/MEK/PMOI out of the influence-system of this organisation. You should separate them from the groups’ daily grind and try to take them back to reality by getting them in contact with their families and the “normal life” outside the camp.

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MKO instrumental misuse of individuals

Memoirs of Ms. Soltani – Part 11-2 – The organization recruited those who were out of job or those who had other problems and sent them out of the country through various ways… The duty of manpower part was to recruit those who had social problems and to send them abroad. They tricked many people outside and inside the country. They manipulated them using long-term emotional methods or they tried to control their thoughts in order to recruit them. Hence Masud Rajavi could gather a number of them in France.

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Rajavi cult Threatens Separated Members in Europe

… Our lives are in danger. PMOI’s officials do not want us to go to a court of law and open a file against the crimes that they perpetrated. They have threatened, beaten up and labeled separated people in European countries many times. Few weeks ago the henchmen of PMOI assaulted and threatened Mr. Mohammad Hussein Sobhani (the former member of PMOI) in city of Cologne / Germany…

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