Efforts to rescue the MEK hostages

Nejat Society’s Statement

the human rights activists in Iran have dedicated a website to declare their protestation against the recent move of British Government in legitimating terrorism that is removing Mujahedin Khalq Organization /MKO from the list of terrorist organization) to Secretary General of the United Nations.

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Nejat Society Letter to the Head of Iraqi Government

the board of ministers of the Iraqi Government has passed a resolution base on the Iraqi constitutional law which indicates that the Mojahidin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) and their base called the Ashraf camp in Iraq must be put under the control of the Iraqi government. …We believe that more the Iraqi government’s control is imposed over the Ashraf camp, sooner would these people be freed, sooner would they be released from captivity and wasting their lives, and sooner would they be able to see their families whom in some cases have not seen for over 20 years…

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Nejat Society Letter to The British Prime Minister

As you may well be aware, over 3,000 individuals reside in Camp Ashraf. They are completely isolated inside the camp and have no contact with the outside world. ..they are subjected to the continuous psychological manipulation and mind control techniques which are practiced in all similar cults…like many other cults round the world, cult members must not associate with members of their family. The MKO clearly states within the organization that the family is the ‘nest of corruption’ and all members should consider their relatives as their prime enemies

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The Humanitarian Move appreciated by the opposition

Nourizadeh’s remarks stated on humanitarian grounds rather than a political notion has filled MKO with indignation and the group showed a harsh and insulting backlash against him in its media as it is its typical. Regardless of any political stance, the move by Sahar Family Foundation (SFF) run by the Khodabandehs for the survival of the reminders of their comrades from the clutches of the terrorist cult of Mojahedin is a worthwhile activity

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Mr Teymur Khattar and Mrs Khattar Appeal to the Iraqi legal authorities

It is worth mentioning that Sohey Khattar left Iran legally with his Iranian passport along with my nephew Mehran Rastegar to go to Turkey to eventually go to Europe for employment. One week or ten days after their departure, my brother Manuchehr Kattar who lives in Holland contacted them and offered them a chance to go to some place to learn the language first and then move to Holland to join their uncle. But contrary to his promises they ended up in Camp Ashraf the base of the MKO in Iraq, a place which is quite hard to leave.

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Nejat Society Letter to The Iraqi President of Higher Judicial Council

leading their activities inside Iran from that country. Once the French government imposed some limitations on their activities including leading terrorism in Iran from Paris, they moved their headquarters to Iraq. The grounds for this move had been prepared previously and the MKO armed forces were already present in Iraq and they were involved in military activities against Iran. The presence of Massoud Rajavi in Iraq did lead to a close relationship between the MKO and the Iraqi former government

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MEK family members talked to administrative assistant of Presidential Office in Iraq

the visitors, describing the troubles and obstacles MKO created against those who want to meet their family members in Camp Ashraf, stressed that they are willing to meet them in Bagdad ,out of the organizational atmosphere of MKO, without any intermediate ,for at least three days. The other problem presented in the meeting was that of defectors who left the organization or will leave it in the future

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A delegation from the British Moslem community visited the Nejat Society in Tehran

The seven members of the delegation each represented a British Moslem establishment which totally covers a good deal of Moslem community in Britain. After the members of delegation heard the report of the MKO activities they emphasised that they are aware of the ideas and actions of the MKO and their so-called”Ideological Revolution”and find them contrary to the Islamic teachings.

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Seminar on Releasing Captives of MKO Terrorist Cult

She described that giving high commanding positions to the women is a sham gesture taken by the MKO while the truth is that women are expected to work even harder than men and their emotions are also systematically suppressed more. She clarified that members are expected to dislike whoever they adored before particularly the members of their family. She also explained that all discontented members are labeled as being metal cases. Miss Dashti also referred to the high level of dissatisfaction amongst the forces inside the Ashraf Camp who find no way out.

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EP Delegation to Iran visits Nejat Society

Members of the delegation also expressed their regret about the presence of Mrayam Rajavi in the European Parliament and emphasised the fact that these people like all cults do not expose their real identity and try to deceive people to reach their own goals. In the end Ms Beer thanked the Nejat Society for providing them with good information about the MKO.

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