Efforts to rescue the MEK hostages

Nejat Society meeting in Gilan

On November 25th, 2009 a group of families who were invited by Nejat Society Gilan Office, gathered in a meeting called “Appeal for Help”. They visited Mr. Hamid Hajipour and Mr. Akbar Mohebi, two recently defected members of Rajavi’s cult, Mujahedin Khalq Organization. During that friendly meeting where the two defectors were congratulated on their joining their families, Mr. Ali pour Ahmad, the head of Nejat Society Gilan Office welcomed the families who are members of Nejat Society.

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Nejat Society Khuzestan Branch meeting in Abadan

The dictatorship reining Ashraf has caused panic in hearts and minds of Captured members who are bearing the cult-like manipulative control system.The isolation of dissident members of Rajavi’s cult[MKO/MEK/PMOI] prevents them from enjoying the capacities and facilities they could use to release themselves from the suppressive atmosphere of the organization..A number of families from Abadan and Khorramshahr attended a meeting held by Nejat Society Khuzestan Branch to ask Nejat NGO to cooperate with them ..

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Families on hunger strike to protest American support for MKO terrorist group

… From November 2 the families began a hunger strike. They demand that the Iraqi government as the only responsible body in Iraq must take charge and allow the freedom of their children … American Army established a check point to prevent families release their loved ones from a terrorist cult of Mujahedin aka MKO/MEK/PMOI..Efforts by the Iraqi authorities, U.N. representatives, the ICRC and others to facilitate the humanitarian move have been blocked by the Americans..

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Relatives of MKO captives Urgent Appeal to Iraq’s Minister of Human Rights

… Sadly, we have discovered that a terrorist cult[MKO/MEK/PMOI] is still calling the shots in your country and that it is because of them that we cannot see those dear relatives whom we have travelled so far, and waited so long to see. Really, what harm can the eight of us do? … Eight visiting Iranians are waiting for your answer; guests in your country. Although we are elderly and weak we have gone on hunger strike.

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Nejat Society Golestan branch letter to Iraqi Ambassador

Now that, the Iraqi police have succeeded to seize the military Camp Ashraf and the brainwashed residents of the camp have gone on forced hunger strike, we demand you to help us visit our beloved ones in Camp Ashraf in an appropriate situation, with the presence of ICRC officials and Iraqi authorities. We urge on our demand to meet our children in a secure, peaceful atmosphere, without the presence of MKO criminal leaders since we are eager to help our children release from the bars of the cult, get back to free life in a free society..

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Nejat Society Letter to Iraqi Ambassador

We appreciate the act of your respectful government to open the bars of Camp Ashraf; the gift of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein to Mujahedin Khalq . The camp had long been a base for suppressing Iraqi people and an isolated prison for capturing our children..We are a number of grieved families of Markazi Province. Our beloved children have long been brainwashed under Rajavi direct order and have been imprisoned in Camp Ashraf.

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Nejat Society Gilan Branch appeal to human rights bodies

Following the arrival of Iraqi police to Camp Ashraf and its aftermath which ended with casualties among Ashraf residents, families of Nejat Society tried to contact Nejat Office in Rasht expressing their concern over the health of their beloved children; however they welcomed the act of Iraqi authorities..The families seriously fear that MKO leaders victimizing the rank and file members of the organization in order that they can save their own lives..

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Hassan has been captured in Ashraf for more than 2 decades

A show of MKO’s TV channel was shown during the meeting, in which Hassan said:”when I was talking with my family on the phone, the agents of Islamic Republic cut our contact.” Regarding the show, Asgar said that as he remembers they have never had a phone contact with his brother and such words were definitely dictated by the cult’s leader. Surprised by the show he wondered to believe which claim:”Hassan didn’t want to see his father at Camp Ashraf gate” or”Hassan called the family and IRI interrupted the contact”

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Mr. Fallah joined his family

Mr. Afshin Qare Tappe from Golestan Province joined his family. After years of sufferings and being captive behind the bars of Rajavis’ Cult, Mr. Fallah could manage to release himself from that infernal organization and returned to his homeland and family.In Turkey the MKO/MEK/PMOI elements tricked Mr. Fallah into recruiting him. Then he was sent to Camp Ashraf, Iraq by a person called Ali Ankara.

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True facts behind June 17th events

Nejat Society, Khuzestan branch held a meeting together with a number of families of Nejat NGO and a few defectors who have just returned home. During the 4 hour meeting, different aspects of June 17 events were discussed..Mr. Ali Ekrami noticed the active role of the cult’s leaders in intriguing and persuading the member to commit self-immolation, he described his observations of Camp Ashraf ..

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