Families and Members

Second report on 19th June families’ gathering

… When the chiefs and officials directly learned about the rules and regulations inside Rajavi cult[MKO/MEK/PMOI] told by the freed members, they were astonished and described them totally in contradiction with Islamic codes and social norms. They invited the families to travel to the centre of province (city of Baquba) and speak in the gathering of officials and chiefs of the province and also they announced that they are prepared to set an exhibition …

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Meeting in Paris – Gathering in front of Ashraf garrison

… Simultaneously, families in front of Ashraf garrison in Iraq made a gathering which many Iraqi officials and personalities and the representatives of various media as well as Iraqi citizens and the chief of tribes of Diyala province and international and humanitarian activists participated. A number of families in this gathering including Mr. Iman Yeganeh made a direct contact with the meeting in Paris and …

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Freedom of prisoners in Camp Ashraf is our ultimate goal

(Families of victims of Mojahedin Khalq/MKO/MEK/ Rajavi cult/ Announcement No.4)… The Mojahedin Khalq (Rajavi cult) has increased its suppression of the captives by increasing the number of patrols, increasing the thickness of barbed-wire fences and many other desperate measures. The last part of this scenario has of course been the forced TV interviews, clearly made under severe threat and physical and psychological pressure …

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Rioting in Camp Ashraf

… We the families of Mojahedin Khalq hostages, who are picketing outside Camp Ashraf, are worried and concerned about the physical wellbeing of our children. We are especially worried about the list of 53 of these captives which has been announced by the Mojahedin Khalq leaders with the claim that they have signed a letter refusing to meet their families and parents! No-one has seen or heard from these 53 captives. How do we know these are genuine? …

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Families have kept their vigil before the gates of Camp Ashraf for over 70 days

(Families of victims of Mojahedin Khalq/MKO/MEK/ Rajavi cult/ Announcement No.2) ..Why is it that whenever the existence of the leaders of Mojahedin Khalq is under threat, some unfortunate people have to burn themselves on their command to save the skin of these leaders? Is it not the case that the lives of the people inside this camp are only valuable in that whenever Massoud Rajavi feels the need, he can send some of them to their deaths? …

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American Army charge on families in a joint operation with MKO terrorists

… The Americans were accompanied by three MKO/MEK/PMOI personnel who acted as translators and who hid their faces so they would not be recognized. Iraqi officers at the camp said they will not take action now but the role of the Americans in this situation has been noted. The Iraqi’s have assured the families that if the intimidation becomes more invasive, they will certainly step in to protect them …

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PMOI denied families meetings with their captured children in Ashraf

… The Iraqi government continued throughout the last month to convince them of the need to deal with this situation in a humane and approved way to allow meeting between Iranian families and their children[captured by MKO/MEK/PMOI within Ashraf Base], and not to accept false statements and counterfeit, which accuses the Iraqi government of violating human rights laws. The failed negotiations have resulted in the …

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In solidarity with the MKO Cult’s victims families

… The Ancient Iran , Glorious Future Association based on its humane task urge and entreat of all humanitarian organizations and Iranian freedom lovers as well as the critics and separated members of this cult for their solidarity with those sad families who have been in sit- in for days behind the closed gates of Ashraf Garrison …

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MKO members escaped Ashraf and joined families’ picket

… According to media reports from Baghdad two members of the Mojahedin were able to break away from the Rajavi cult and join the families in their picket outside the camp. Mr. Seyed Yousef Jafari from Ahwaz and Mr. Abdolghader Ostadi from Iranshahr spoke to reporters about their own ordeal as long-term captives inside the camp …

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