Family in the Mujahedin-e Khalq

Letter to the Head of the UN High Commissioner

After the MKO members relocated to Albania, the UNHCR entitled a monthly payment for each MKO/MEK/PMOI member. However the MKO Cult put our children under pressure and do not give them the money they are entitled to. They put our children under severe pressure and give them a very small amount of that financial support in order that they do not be able to leave the group and repatriate to Iran.

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Parents met their child in Albania, defect the MKO Cult

Among these couples were Ameneh Haqiqat and Akbar Rabiei who joined the MKO/MEK/PMOI group in mid 1980s along with their young child…Ms. Haqiqat’s brother says:” my head whistled when I hear that the ‘family’ is disintegrated within this horrible cult. My head whistled when I heard that my little niece left far from parental love…”

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Let your breathe speak …

Mrs. Saedi is the mother of Firooz who was entrapped by the Mujahedin-e Khalq Cult/MKO/MEK/PMOI several decades ago….I don’t get disappointed, though my hellos have been remained unanswered. My eyes are waiting to see you again …. What has happened to you that you don’t want to hear your mum’s voice!!

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