Family in the Mujahedin-e Khalq

My big sister, who I have never seen, is in Camp Liberty

I cried during the lean years, eager to see my mother, looking for the intimacy of her embrace, the intimate lap of her tender motherhood, which I did not experience except for only ten days. So I stayed, sighing to see her for the first time in my life until I was 18 years of age, when I discovered that I had lost my mother a few …

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Families demand UNHCR name injured MEK members

The PMOI/MKO/MEK has published the names and photographs of the killed, but not the names of the wounded. We are members of the families of the residents of Camp Liberty, are deeply concerned about the safety and security of our relatives who live in the Camp, so according to the most basic international laws of human rights and …

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Camp Ashraf september1st clashes;What happened?

Seeking benefits from “results of these martyrdoms and the heroic epics in Ashraf” – according to Maryam Rajavi’s passionate speech – she salutes “mothers and families” of the assassinated members of her cult of personality. Nonetheless, the mothers and families of these members had no news of their loved ones for many years.

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MKO tries to make another Camp Ashraf in Albania

Last month Shirin who was now a dissent member within the organization transferred to Albania and managed to provide a mobile phone and contact her family asking for help. She informed family of her intention of living an ordinary life in the free world and out of the MKO cult’s boundaries. She had no access to the Internet and had no e-mail address.Her contact with the family cut, after her secret relations with her family revealed..

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Beware of Mojahedin Khalq

While the cult leader Massoud Rajavi calls the genuine families ‘spies of the Iranian services’, he has gathered some paid individuals outside the UN office in Geneva under the guise of families. Rajavi claims that the so-called families in Geneva demand the rescue of their relatives in Iraq; whilst Rajavi is the sole body threatening their safety. He does not let them out to determine their own destiny.

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Investigate the MEK and its critics

The only person preventing the residents in Camp Liberty from leaving and taking refuge in a safe place is the leader of the MEK, Massoud Rajavi. He is therefore the only person who can answer this question. Only he can explain to all the suffering families why their loved ones are still in the path of danger. Why, after ten years, they are still unable to walk freely from the camp and continue their lives in freedom and safety…

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MKO leaders bar the visit of two sisters who have never met

The leader of the MEK/MKO/PMOI had even prevented my elder daughter Zeynab Hussein-Nezhad (34) from talking to me while we were both inside the organization in Ashraf Camp. We were only allowed to visit once a year in the Iranian New Year (March 21) for about one or two hours where our conversation was totally controlled. This year this bas banned too …

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The sole victims of MKO cult are its members and their families

Long enslaved in Camp Ashraf and now located in a temporary transit location near Baghdad, the members of MKO are denied of the right to life and liberty and are kept against their will. They are not allowed to have any form of contact to the world outside and even with their family members many of whom have long requested and are waiting at the gates of the camp to see their children and relatives.

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