Family in the Mujahedin-e Khalq

Open letter of SFF to the UN Secretary General

And as the suffering families of the members are still waiting in Iraq after almost three years to visit their loved ones and have not only not received any positive answer but have been insulted and accused and even harassed by the MKO elements,We as the representative of the families of the members of the MKO in Iraq urge you to use your international capacity and…

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Now Focus Attention Back On Rajavi’s Hostages In Camp Liberty

In Iraq the estranged families of MEK members have maintained a vigil outside both Camp Ashraf – and now Camp Liberty – for nearly three years. These families have travelled to Iraq to try and get news of and contact with their loved ones who are being held hostage by the Rajavi cult… The Americans in Iraq have done nothing to help these families reach their loved ones.

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Letter of Mr. Ali Hussien-Nezhad to Mr. Martin Kobler

I fully back your efforts for a peaceful solution to the dilemma of the MKO/MEK/PMOI in Iraq and I urge you not to be influenced by the MKO lobby which is active in the western countries and be firm in demanding the MKO leaders to allow the captives to be free. The best thing to do is to permit the families to stay nearby Camp Liberty and provide facilities for them to meet their beloved ones …

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Do not condone Mojahedin Khalq’s forced divorces

Recently , I found out that you had been invited by this organization [MKO/MEK/PMOI] for the annual gathering of this organization in Villepint. I listened to your speech in that gathering and I am terribly sorry that such organization is still trying its best to deceive the public-opinion and the prominent political-figures. This organization holds such gatherings and meetings through spending huge amount of money..

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Rajavi is not their representative, he is the problem

The truth is that Massoud Rajavi still insists that only he can talk on behalf of all the MEK victims and hostages. Yet, all those who managed to escape from both Ashraf and Liberty admit that they had no idea about the outside world and they were afraid of everything outside the organization and so accepted every possible risk when they decided to flee…

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Letters of the Iranian families of MKO victims in Iraq

1. We wish to visit our loved ones immediately in Camp Liberty in order to make sure about their circumstances. 2. We support your efforts as well as the Iraqi Government to separate the rank and file from the leaders of the MKO and we demand for the recognition of their asylum states as individuals rather than as an organization. 3. We also request to have a meeting with your representative in Baghdad in order to explain our suggestions and requests..

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What must be done to reach “liberty”?

What all entities are in agreement with is that the Ashraf inhabitants must enjoy the minimum of freedom. Will the individuals have the right to visit their close relatives in the new base? Will they have access to the outside world? Will they be able to think freely and decide for their own destiny? Will the brainwashing techniques still be in use? Will the families’ concern about their loved ones eventually be ended? Unfortunately those parties who praise the MKO ..

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Open letter of SFF to US Secretary of State

There are talks about Ashraf inhabitants. Who is their representative? Is the self-appointed totalitarian leader of a mind control destructive cult recognized to talk on their behalf? Why there are always talks about terrorism but not about mind control? You know well that the latter is the base of the former. Is the US administration making the same mistake as was mentioned in the RAND report and is preserving a cult with terrorist application?

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No family visits for MKO hostages in Camp Ashraf

According to the reports prepared by NGOs and the defected MKO members, the MKO members inside the camp are living in dire conditions and are deprived of their basic rights. “I don’t know why the MKO is keeping the people against their will. They are isolating them from the world,” said an Iranian woman who came to see her relative in Camp Ashraf…

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