Family in the Mujahedin-e Khalq

Ashraf residents transfer, Families gathering

Families of Ashraf prisoners chanted slogans to once more announce their call to visit their loved ones.. Local and foreign reporters are present in there in order to broadcast the news of the region. As it was also reported 100 residents of Camp Ashraf are relocated in Camp liberty. Families are hopeful to see or at least get news of their children –after years of no news about them– while they are transferred from Ashraf to Baghdad.

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Conference Speech on the book ‘The Life of Camp Ashraf’

Massoud Khodabandeh, from Middle East Strategy Consultants introduced the book ‘The Life of Camp Ashraf – Mojahedin-e Khalq Victims of Many Masters’ to the Conference. The book places the MEK in the context of its foreign ownership and concludes that these owners have invested heavily in the MEK’s ability to commit acts of violence and terrorism, and that this is the reason for western resistance to closing the camp..

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SFF interview Mahmoud Rostami, MKO defector

Before Ramadan I heard my mother’s voice via loudspeakers of families picketing in front of Ashraf gates. I got so happy, I felt like being awakened. I went to my commander and asked him to let me access a telephone to call my family in order that I would tell them not to come to Ashraf any more (this was my pretext to speak with my family). They said that they didn’t have any telephone for such a use. I said “Ok, I will go near the fence to speak to them ..

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Nejat Society Gilani Families at Ashraf Gates

On Wednesday, October 19th, a number of family members of Ashraf residents from Gilan joined other families picketing in front of Camp Ashraf in the hope of visiting their loved ones kept by force in the camp, in a free atmosphere without the presence of the cult officials.Nejat Society Gilan branch wishes good luck for these people who have long been waiting for such an opportunity,…

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Ashraf residents’ families letter to Mr. Al-Maliki

Unfortunately, every time we come here, not only didn’t the leaders of the Camp Ashraf allow us to visit our children, but also they insulted us and replied by throwing stones at us. But we are proud of our resistance against them and our emotional revealing words that caused a number of imprisoned members of the camp find the courage to escape the cult[MKO/MEK/PMOI] and step in the free world.

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Mr. Atighi asks to retrieve his murdered son’s body

… As a father I claim all the rights belonging to Bahman. We claim the right for this case to be investigated. We claim that if there is any truth in this and if there exist any corpse belonging to Bahman, then it should given be a post mortem examination and the case should be examined so it becomes clear who has committed this crime. I believe that there is no one else except themselves [the MEK] who have committed this murder. I ask all the authorities, lawyers, the International Committee of the Red Cross in Iraq and in other parts of the world to help and investigate in this murder case. I ask for the rights of my son and myself to be respected …

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Open letter to Mr. Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the UN

… You should not allow this terrorist cult[MKO/PMOI/MEK], which utilizes the slogans such as freedom and democracy to cover its real entity, to take advantage of those popular uprisings. In their internal cultic relations the story is completely different than their slogans. This cultic organization with its bloody past, full of violence and with its unlawful presence on Iraqi soil has concealed itself behind the popular uprisings in other countries. You should not allow such a terrorist cultic organization with such a terrifying past utilizes those popular slogans, freedom and democracy…

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Mujahedeen Khalq – Baby Snatchers

Similarities can be seen between the Mujahideen initiative and the Chinese ‘Cultural Revolution’. One implications of this initiative is that a member’s spouse or a child belongs to the organisation and the organisation is free to do whatever it wishes to do with them. This policy claimed considerable number of casualties. Amongst them was ‘Bihawar[Bahador], the two year old son of an Iranian Kurd by the name of Khurrami. ‘Bihawar'[Bahador] was with an unknown number of children who were separated from their parents to be sent to Europe or North America. What befell to these children will be told a bit later.

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Defected Member Reveals MKO Ringleaders’ Crimes against Women

A defected member of the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization revealed that the female members of the group have been living under captivity for more than 25 years and are not even allowed to appear in public places alone..under the direct order of MKO’s Ringleader Maryam Rajavi ,allow their members to receive medical aids, healthcare and other services in return for given levels of cooperation.

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