Family in the Mujahedin-e Khalq

Letter to the Director General of the ICRC (182 signatories)

… Rajavi, has used the past two decades to create an atmosphere inside camp New Iraq (formerly Ashraf) in which any marriage, friendship, writing letters, exchanging photos, using telephone, meeting and chatting or any relation between parents and children or between siblings or other relatives has been forbidden and even thinking about it would have resulted in severe, violent punishment and suppression. We call on all international bodies as well as all relevant governments. We ask specifically from your good self to intervene …

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Statement of the gathering in Paris

With faith in the generosity of people, with the aim of rejecting all kinds of violence, terrorism and cultish behaviours and with the aim of helping the families of the victims of Rajavi cult in Camp Ashraf – Iraq, more than 200 human rights activities are participating in this gathering on the 19th of June 2010 in Paris…Maryam Rajavi who resides in Auvers-sur-Oise in France is working on the concept of keeping the structure of the terrorist cult intact ..

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Families’ picket in front of Camp Ashraf continues

… The organisers of this picket say that there are a large number of their children inside the camp but the leaders of the Mojahedin Khalq Organisation do not let them meet their families. The families emphasised that they have no choice except to sit in front of the gates of the camp until they are given access to their loved ones …

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Second report on 19th June families’ gathering

… When the chiefs and officials directly learned about the rules and regulations inside Rajavi cult[MKO/MEK/PMOI] told by the freed members, they were astonished and described them totally in contradiction with Islamic codes and social norms. They invited the families to travel to the centre of province (city of Baquba) and speak in the gathering of officials and chiefs of the province and also they announced that they are prepared to set an exhibition …

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In the memory of my mother

… And I was here, I don’t know how many years later, when they[MKO/MEK/PMOI] informed me of my mother’s death written on a piece of paper, attached by a simple condolence note, without a precise date. I am still looking at the mass of mothers far before me. And behind them, my eyes fix on the mirage formed at end of an asphalt road….The worst unforgivable error we dared to mention in our daily report was a mental flashback to the family..

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Meeting in Paris – Gathering in front of Ashraf garrison

… Simultaneously, families in front of Ashraf garrison in Iraq made a gathering which many Iraqi officials and personalities and the representatives of various media as well as Iraqi citizens and the chief of tribes of Diyala province and international and humanitarian activists participated. A number of families in this gathering including Mr. Iman Yeganeh made a direct contact with the meeting in Paris and …

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The courageous that need encouragement

… But how can they be called humans and protectors of the human rights and freedom those who see these scenes and are deaf to the purest humane demands. The organization’s advocates have raised concern about the US departure from the area and the camp and that, it might lead to a humanitarian catastrophe….

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Mojahedin Khalq and contradictory positions!

… The United States of America… asked for American citizens to visit their children who were arrested inside Iran on charges of illegal entry, and Iran allowed them to do so. The U.S. is called upon today to take a humanistic counterpart to the situation of Iran and to get the Mojahedin organization to lift the injustice against those who are detained inside the garrison and let their families and meet with them. But, how far is the one situation from the other? …

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Victims in Camp Ashraf continue to suffer as MKO forces video performances

… Mohammad Karimi has been made to sit before a camera without his military uniform, he is seated somewhere like a gymnasium inside the garrison. His speech is marked by MKO-speak and cult jargon as he swears at and insults his own sister and the Prime Minister of Iraq. Karimi claims that he is at war with Iran and that Iran’s leader (Ayatollah Khamenei) and the Prime Minister of Iraq (Nouri Al Maliki) have been defeated simply by him sitting inside the camp and refusing to see his sister …

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