Family in the Mujahedin-e Khalq

No one is to open the gates of Ashraf from the within

… BBC report starts with a sight of a big lock on the gate of Ashraf and the starting point of the text is “No one is to open the doors; all cries are uttered in vain”. Then the father of an Ashraf resident tells the reporter “It is for 22 years that I’ve received no letter of my son”. Some MKO members managing to escape from Ashraf are quoted as saying “Mojahedin high rankings prevent members to leave camp by means of intimidation, threat, and coercive measures”…

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MKO latest propaganda stunt against families

If Rajavi and his associates believe in the sincerity of their claims and that Mojahedin have cut all familial attachments for a greater cause, then, why are they afraid to let these veterans with such high morale meet with their families? It is really abominable to disregard rights of some old parents, wives and children who are tolerating all kinds of suffering to meet their sons, husbands and fathers enslaved, rather than being volunteer fighters, within a closed military camp.

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Ancient Iran Association Letter to Human Rights Watch

… instead of meeting their loved ones , they have been insulted and slandered by the cult’s operatives since their arrival .These families despite of bad weather and the lack of accommodation , are persisting to see their relatives . Despite of their age and bad weather , they are very determined to find a solution to see their loved ones …

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Families’ demands force Rajavi’s back against the wall

… Unfortunately, Western governments, because of their reluctance to take any action to curtail the activities of this terrorist cult in their own countries, are placing their citizens’ lives and their own reputations under threat. The following statement issued by the MKO (aka NCRI) is indicative of this diversion from the real issue of having family members sitting outside the camp gates for over 100 days asking to meet with their children…

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Family; the spell of Rajavis’ cult amputation

Why is Rajavi so terrified of families visiting with their children? Why does he enter the course personally to insult the families as”regime’s chained dogs”? ..Indeed, the treasons the Rajavis committed against their compatriots have left nothing for MKO. Once they chanted the motto”Without Iran, I don’t want life, today they hang the slogan”Without Ashraf, I don’t want life”on Camp Ashraf gates! Today MKO leaders are resisting against Iranian people.

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Support for parents who have not seen their children for long

… The leaders of the Mujahedin-sect have always forbidden every form of contact between members and family. Their members are kept in total isolation and it’s not allowed to have any contact outside the camp. Members who want to leave this sect are withhold by the leaders. Up to now it has never been possible for their families to come near the camp of the armed Mujahedin. But after the fall of Saddam Hoessein the situation of Ahsraf changed …

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Rioting in Camp Ashraf

… We the families of Mojahedin Khalq hostages, who are picketing outside Camp Ashraf, are worried and concerned about the physical wellbeing of our children. We are especially worried about the list of 53 of these captives which has been announced by the Mojahedin Khalq leaders with the claim that they have signed a letter refusing to meet their families and parents! No-one has seen or heard from these 53 captives. How do we know these are genuine? …

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The Iranian Pen Club letter to UNAMI

… It has been nearly three months that elderly parents with broken hearts and tearful eyes are looking forward to meet with their children in front of Camp Ashraf have been on sitting that the MKO/MEK/PMOI leaders allow them access to their children inside the camp. Leader of MKO said in their announcement that UNAMI is inside Camp Ashraf. If so, why UNAMI has not come to the gate of Camp Ashraf to see these families who are waiting to meet with their children, what is going? …

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Ms. soltani Letter to united Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq

… During the past three months the families of the captured members in the New Camp Iraq (ex-Ashraf) have arrived from different countries to meet their children after years of ignorance and have gathered in front the door of this camp. This organization has prevented the reunion to take place and they have cleared conditions that if such entry takes place their commander must be presence during this meeting …

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Families have kept their vigil before the gates of Camp Ashraf for over 70 days

(Families of victims of Mojahedin Khalq/MKO/MEK/ Rajavi cult/ Announcement No.2) ..Why is it that whenever the existence of the leaders of Mojahedin Khalq is under threat, some unfortunate people have to burn themselves on their command to save the skin of these leaders? Is it not the case that the lives of the people inside this camp are only valuable in that whenever Massoud Rajavi feels the need, he can send some of them to their deaths? …

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