Family in the Mujahedin-e Khalq

Rajavi forces our children to sign his lies to UNAMI

(Families of victims of Mojahedin Khalq/MKO/MEK/ Rajavi cult/ Announcement No.3)… What danger could the old men and women, who only want to see their children, pose to anyone. What the MKO/MEK/PMOI cult leaders really mean is the danger they pose to the very existence of the cult’s rules and regulations which they are imposing on our children. Rajavi is clearly shaking with the thought …

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Miserable condition of Mojahedin Khalq hostages in Camp Ashraf

… The paper said that about three thousand men live at Camp Ashraf, called Camp New Iraq by the Iraqi authorities, and over 70% of them are over fifty years old. It is not clear what can be done with them. Asharq Al-Awsat spoke to people who have recently escaped from the camp. They spoke of the terrible conditions there, and said that anyone wanting to leave was severely punished, even tortured …

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The fear surrounding Camp Ashraf leaders

Since the invasion of coalition forces and the fall of Saddam Hussein a large number of Ashraf residents defected from the group, returned to Iran or went to Europe where some of them succeeded to reveal the nature of MKO in european organizations such as European Parliament. This kind of consequence of MEK members’ defection caused the cult’s leaders a strong feeling of fear which has turned in to a phobia. For MKO’s leader Massoud Rajavi, a good critic is a dead critic. ..

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Violent reaction of MEK to the families trying to visit their children

Film showing the violent reaction of Mojahedin-e Khalq to the families trying to visit their children who are being held captive inside the camp by the Rajavis. ..for 66 days the MEK leaders have refused all access to the victims inside the camp. The MEK leaders did not let the families see their children even for a minute. It is also clear that the MEK began the attack ..

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Report on the MKO attack on the families on Thursday night

… Iran-Interlink did, however, record some film that day, which will be broadcast in due course. This film will first be presented to the UN office, the Iraqi Judiciary and relevant human rights organisations.The knife wielding Mojahed woman has been identified and the families concerned are already in the process of submitting a law suit against her …

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Nejat Families at Ashraf Gates

Another group of MKO members’ families who were mobilized by Nejat Society Khuzestan branch traveled to Iraq where they are hopeful to visit their beloved ones captured by Rajavi’s destructive cult. A number of families have already gone to Ashraf gates since two months ago, but they were prevented from visiting their children by MKO authorities.

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America, are you listening?

… Iraqi media and local dignitaries visit families outside Camp New Iraq (Ashraf) where Washington-backed terrorist group, Mojahedin-e Khalq are holding 3500 people hostage. Human Rights groups say Rajavi refuses to allow family visits in the camp. The video shows Hoorieh Mohammadi from Canada asking Americans and the MKO for compassion…

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MKO in a mire called Ashraf

MEK has been stuck in a sheer pragmatism for more than two decades. The strategy of armed struggle using terror tactics in order to achieve power in Iran did not succeed. MEK’s ideological leader has not been able to realize and analyze the concrete situation and the reality of Iranian society so it has been suffering dizziness. ..

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