Family in the Mujahedin-e Khalq

PMOI denied families meetings with their captured children in Ashraf

… The Iraqi government continued throughout the last month to convince them of the need to deal with this situation in a humane and approved way to allow meeting between Iranian families and their children[captured by MKO/MEK/PMOI within Ashraf Base], and not to accept false statements and counterfeit, which accuses the Iraqi government of violating human rights laws. The failed negotiations have resulted in the …

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Families urge President Talebani helping them visit their children

.. We urge your good self, while condemning the anti-humane actions of Massoud Rajavi, to order the facilitation of free meetings between ourselves and our children … We have gathered from different places such as Iran, Canada, … in the land of Iraq to visit our loved ones. During the last two weeks of our stay here, the leaders of this organisation have refused our demand to meet our families on the direct order of Massoud Rajavi..

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Mojahedin Khalq refuses family visits

… The MKO’s advocates in Britain and America also joined the fray and demanded of their respective governments to intervene. But, in all these cries for help, no mention was made that it was the MKO leaders who were not allowing the members to leave the camp and visit with their families outside the camp …The families’ simple, straightforward and only demand is that they be able to meet with their relatives..

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MKO elements attacked the Iranian families

While preventing the Iranian families visit their relatives incarcerated in Ashraf Camp in Iraq’s Diyala Province, MKO/MEK/PMOI elements attacked the Iranian families and the Iraqi security forces accompanied them.Iranian families asked the Iraqi government to take urgent measures for the release of their children imprisoned in Ashraf Camp.

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Human Rights in MKO’s Ideology – Part 3

While she claims that any type of force or impose on women for their family life is forbidden, Maryam Rajavi imposes the most serious forced separations on MKO families especially on those women who were in love with their husbands and had lived with them for a lot of years..

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Human Rights in MKO’s Ideology – Part 2

Do you know any woman in Ashraf, who is allowed to remove her scarf? Do you know any woman in Ashraf who is free to wear clothes other than military uniform assigned by the organization to wear?Do you know any woman in Ashraf to believe in any religion or ideology except the ones that Rajavis dictate?Do you know any individual in the entire cult of Rajavi who is allowed to do any job except the one that the leaders assign? Do you know anybody (either male or female) who is allowed to complain about the plan or job he or she is assigned ..

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Human Rights in MKO’s Ideology – Part 1

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Maryam Rajavi published a message that included a lot of slogans on what she wants to do in the future Iran but her claims are exactly the opposite of what she really believes in and how she really acts. Although she uses such slogans in Europe as her ideals, Camp Ashraf represents a pattern of the society Rajavi wants to establish in Iran. The study of Rajavi’s treatments towards her members reveals that her slogans are her deceitful, political tools to ..

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What MKO leaders fear?

MKO uses the terms like democracy and human rights as tools to crush those who believe in other ideologies than that of MKO. However, the news of families’ visit to Ashraf where their children are captivated by MKO and MKO leaders do not allow them to meet their beloved ones, exactly represents the contradictory behavior of Rajavi’s cult ..Given that the families are sent by IRI, it is not even fair to deprive some elderly parents who have not been able to contact their children by phone for long years, from visiting them. What kind of human rights do MKO/MEK/PMOI leaders believe in?

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Tensions in Iranian Exile Camp Ashraf in Iraq

… The group that lives here, the People’s Mujahedeen [MKO/MEK,PMOI], has had a long and winding history. It killed Americans, supported the takeover of the United States Embassy in Iran during the 1970s and was given sanctuary in Iraq by Saddam Hussein. But after the American invasion of Iraq in 2003, the group was protected by the United States … “It is not a civil society,” said Col. Saadi Habib al-Duleimi, who oversees the camp. “It is a complex political-military system

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