Family in the Mujahedin-e Khalq

Mr. Mohammad Zade letter to his brother Maqsud

The respectful family of Mr. Moqsud Mohammad Zadeh, especially his mother has been waiting for him for more than twenty years. But the unkind leaders of MKO/PMOI/MEK still ignore maternal emotions and think of their own ambitions. By their close communication with Nejat Society and ICRC the Mohammad Zadeh family has been always looking for a way to release Maqsud from the horrible Rajavi’s gang.

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I just want my father

Mr. Jaafar Babaiee nezhad was a service man when he was captured by MKO group in 1986. He has an only daughter who hasn’t seen her father since she was born. She is now living with her grandfather in the village of Ali Abad. Having missed her parents, she has a lot of problems including lack of the possibility to continue her studies. She always thinks if she lived with her father, she would have a better situation or she would live in a better city to enjoy educational facilities. She says:”For God’s sake, do something to return my father

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Imposing maximum pressure for laboring, to leave no time for thinking

Another trick that is used]by MKO] to heighten the organizational control over members – and since the fall of Saddam has turned into a rule in MKO/PMOI – is that the family visits should also be taken place in the presence of a third person. In other words a companion should escort you in your visit with your family, allegedly to help you be more comfortable! Generally the organization doesn’t like the families to come to Camp Ashraf

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Iranian Exiles, Iraq Govt Trade Accusations over Camp

… “The Iraqi government received the families and facilitated their arrival and they were taken to the reception halls but the leaders at the camp refused to let the relatives see their families,” National security adviser Mowaffaq al-Rubaie said…The fate of Camp Ashraf’s 3,500 residents has been in the air since Iraq took it over from US forces this year.

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The MKO movement is in decline

the movement is in decline already .Since the late nineties the internal dissent in Camp Ashraf is increasing and with the fall of the dictatorial regime of Saddam Hussein, the MKO will be deprived of their basic logistics..we believe that the leadership of MKO[PMOI/MEK] should answer the killing of civilian Kurds…we are sure that the meetings in Europe with several supporters and / or members of MKO led you to find them available and courteous.

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Ex-member says MEK is like a cult

We have documented serious human rights abuses that the MKO was inflicting on its own members in their camp in Iraq,” said Tom Porteous, the London director of Human Rights Watch. “The organisation … has shown that criticism of leadership is certainly not tolerated..When the European Union removed a militant Iranian opposition group from its blacklist of terrorist organisations last month, it drew not only protestations from Iran but also the contempt of a former member who claims the group is little more than a cult.

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The story of a brainwashed mother

Noshin Bashiri was twelve years old when she learned that she had a mother in Iraq… Thirteen years later, when the United States had occupied Iraq and taken control of the Ashraf base, Noshin’s father Alireza Bashiri travelled to Iraq to meet the woman he is still married to under Iranian law, but the MEK would not let him meet her. The year after, father and daughter travelled together. Alireza still cannot meet her, but Noshin got a foot in the camp. After fifteen years of separation the mother and daughter were together for five days …

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What’s up in Auver Sur Oise?

MEK created a perfect garrison in the heart of Europe; they have made the French Parisian country side, Ouver Sur Oise, their headquarters to control their cult;..There are various teams who serve there: a team to control the members organizationally; a team to arrange foreign relations; a team to manage financial sources and money laundry. …there are separate buildings which house the so-called members of the council . They are considered as the cult’s political and cultural arms. But when it is the turn for the more internal relations of the cult these people are called as lazy people without motivation, who should always be pushed to work.

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Distress of Gang of Rajavi over Family visits

PMOI leaders are even terrified of the visits of the members and their families who are so limited to have a short visit under the sever control of the officials of the Mujahedin cult… the supervision system ruling the Mujahedin organization, suspects any person (with any rank degree) whose family comes for a visit..One probability which is considered about those who had family visits is that they are supposed to escape from the camp by the help of their families

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Organisational Divorces within PMOI

After the defeat of Mujahedin in its terrorist operations, including the operation dubbed as “Eternal Light” , the leadership in order to cover up its own weaknesses and failed strategy, declared that the reason for the weaknesses of MKO/PMOI forces was the lack of devotion and in order to remove this deficiency, it declared a series of ideological revolutions and required from the members to cut themselves from all the physical and psychological attachments in order to increase their capabilities to combat the enemy

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