Family in the Mujahedin-e Khalq

Who cares about children in the cult of Rajavi?

Texas officials took 416 children from a polygamist retreat into state custody ..The parents in the sect are accused of being manipulated as it is normal in all sects such as MKO / PMOI where after the Ideological Revolution the spouses were indoctrinated manipulated and eventually forced to divorce and in 1990 during the first Gulf War, they were forced to leave their children under the care of the organization.

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Save children from the cult abuse

It was only yesterday that the news came out with the reports of the removal of an additional 85 children from a polygamist remote compound Ranch of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a breakaway Mormon sect, bringing the total to 137 survivors. Officially released, State troopers, Texas Rangers and investigators from Child Protective Services raided the ranch on Thursday night to serve search and arrest warrants after a 16-year-old girl complained of sexual and physical abuse within the cult.

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Alforat TV reports on Mohammady family

Mohammadi told Al Forat:”when I was looking for my daughter who had been kidnapped with her brother Mohammad Mohammadi ten years ago, in Iraq, I found out that she is under physical and mental pressure by the MKO’s agents” . And Mohamadi stressed that he has submitted an appeal against them and an Iraqi court has issued the arrest warrant for three people of the leaders. He noted that the group prevents his daughter from returning to Canada.

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The end of modern slavery

They charged that they had been beaten and an attempt at kidnap was made by members of the MKO on 7 December 2007. They also protested to the court against the captivity of their daughter Somayeh who was taken to Camp Ashraf in Iraq in 1998 when she was 17 and charged that their son Mohammad Mohammadi was detained illegally by the MKO for five years from 1999 when he was only 15 years old.

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The Statement No.6 of Somayeh Mohammadi‘s Family

Now we have no way unless using our least power and possibility in order to rescue our beloved Somayeh from Ashraf where the Mujahedin have sold freedom and humanity to the foreigners. This time we could receive the visa to enter Iraqi territory contrary to two years ago when we stayed in Jordan for two months and we couldn’t get the visa. Therefore, we accepted the risk of living in Iraq

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On Rajavi’s Canadian Hostage

Alaraghiay TV broadcasted a documentary about two Canadian sitizens, Mostafa and Mahboobeh Mohammady, who have gone to Iraq in an attempt to rescue their daughter from Mojahedin Khalq Organisation terrorist cult currently under protection of US army in Ashraf camp North of Baghdad.

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Woman brainwashed into staying at guerrilla camp

In the 1990s, the MEK was recruiting within Canada’s Iranian community and Ms. Mohammady, a refugee from Iran, volunteered with the blessing of her parents, both MEK activists.In 1997, at the age of 17, she travelled to Camp Ashraf, the MEK guerrilla base north of Baghdad from which it launched its attacks on Iran

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Breaking The Ties that bind

A family torn apart by Mojahedin Khalq Organisation – Rajavi cult A tale of a family torn apart by lies, deception, and government bureaucracy, “Breaking the Ties That Bind” is a true story of the Mohammady family and their tangled history with the Iranian resistance force known as the Mujahedin-e Khalq/MEK/PMOI/MKO.

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