The MEK; the Hypocrites

Defector of the MKO reopen the black Box of Camp Ashraf Massacre

The human wall was formed by young women. They wanted to pretend that Rajavi was in the base ignoring his disappearance since years ago. They cried so badly that the poor rank and file would believe that Massoud Rajavi was really there. This was another fraudulent show by Rajavi to give the false impression that he was in Iraq together with his rank and file!

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The MKO, an unsuccessful example in realizing women’s rights

the MKO/MEK/PMOI authorities were not allowed to hold their alleged conference on women’s rights in public halls. The Albanian government cancelled the group’s event in the Central Orthodox Church of Tirana and the French authorities also did not allow the Cult to organize its conference in the Grand Arche’ La Defence which is a governmental building in the suburb of Paris…

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Many faces of Masoud Rajavi and his supporters

It is not surprising that those well-paid politicians who embrace the MKO/MEK/PMOI have at least one characteristic in common with the group: they both change many faces just to run their goals. For them, the ends justifies the means. Howard Dean sounds to be one example of these politic men whose “ends” include the money he receives from different lobbies…

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Two brothers, defected from the MKO, returned home

Although they were promised a better life in Europe, they found themselves in Turkey and then Iraqi Camp Ashraf where they were immediately separated from each other. They were not allowed to meet each other for years. They were not told about their family who had several times come to visit them in Camp Ashraf, Iraq.

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How Mujahedin Khalq abducted my brothers

Two weeks later Mostafa called us. While crying he said “.. why didn’t my sister come here.. they will kill me…,” he was crying when the connection suddenly cut out. Tanks God. We were lucky that the Rajavi army didn’t succeed to take another member of our family as hostage.After the last call we could not find my brothers….

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The Cult of Rajavi, a tool for Iran hawks

Although the MKO’s propaganda usually does not succeed to run its anti-Iranian agenda in the international community –because of its very insignificant role in the region—there are some groups who indulge it. The American Iran hawks as well as Saudi authorities try to coddle the MKO in response to material and spiritual services the group offers them…

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For the MEK some families are good but others are “agents”

They are afraid of being labelled by the MEK/MKO/PMOI, so instead of defending the right of all families to find their loved ones, they separate the families into ‘mine and yours’. They advocate for the human rights of Rahimi and Sepher, but not for other families. This is the same thing the MEK does; if you are with us you are a ‘family’, if not you are an ‘agent’. ..

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IAEA Intelligence Acquisition Practices

Gareth Porter has written in A Manufactured Crisis that, according to a former German foreign ministry official, German intelligence obtained the “alleged studies” that underpinned the PMD case against Iran from a member of the Mujahideen E-Khalq (MEK) in 2004. MEK/MKO/PMOI hostility to the Islamic Republic is well-documented. Is it inconceivable that this source forged or fabricated that material?..

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