The MEK; the Hypocrites

Facebook account for liberty residents! An outrageous lie

Families of the residents of Camp Liberty who had picketed behind the gate of the Camp probing the visit of their loved, did not succeed to meet them during the due time that they were allowed to picket by the UN officials. The leaders of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) claim that all Liberty residents have Facebook accounts with real IDs

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What is behind the alleged “widespread campaign of MEK supporters” in Iran?

On the occasion of the anniversary of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) foundation, the group’s propaganda website has published a video on what it calls “widespread campaign of MEK supporters in Iran”. The group’s website claims that its supporters “have carried out an extensive campaign across Iran to mark the MEK’s 50th anniversary” but what the video shows seems really ridiculous and ludicrous using the phrase: “an extensive campaign across Iran”.

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CASMII Statement on Iran and the P5+1 Deal: Prospects for Lasting Peace

Just like Iraq, unsubstantiated allegations from self-serving sources were used to convict Iran rhetorically. For example, the terror group MEK claimed [5] to have “exposed” two “secret” Iranian nuclear sites under construction in 2002, which was immediately seized upon by Western governments and media as positive proof that Iran was developing nuclear weapons in violation of the NPT. Left unsaid in the propaganda blitz were the inconvenient facts that …

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The “Manufactured crisis” ended, the MKO left in Catastrophe

The so-called National Council of Resistance of Iran the propaganda arm of the MKO/MEK/PMOI claims that the Iranian Government is in decline and Europe should not tie its future to it! As he claims Europe will lose the friendship with Iranian people in future!The future the NCR tries to imagine for Iran is entirely based on the mirage its leaders Massoud and Maryam Rajavi have been portraying for….

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Demonizing Iran To Prevent the Nuclear Agreement

In advancing this narrative, Netanyahu has been helped by the Mujahedin-e Khalgh Organization (MEK, also known as MKO) and its lobby in the United States. The MEK is an Iranian armed opposition cult that sided with Saddam Hussein during the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s, and acted as his internal …

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The MKO “cannot and should not be trusted”

The annual gathering of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) was held a few weeks earlier than the date that used to be held in the previous years. It used to be held on June 20th which commemorates the date that armed struggle against Iran started by the group. The change indicates that MKO/MEK/PMOI is trying very hard to derail diplomatic engagement…

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