The MEK; the Hypocrites

MeK Modern Muslims, Bedfellow of Islamophobes

yet he is supporting the terrorist cult of MEK/MKO/PMOI (must be getting a ton of money from Israel) who are, or pretend to be Moslems – headscarf and all. When running for president, this whore made the threat of Islamic terrorism the centerpiece of his campaign. He brought two neocons on board with him as advisors; Daniel Pipes and Peter King, ..

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The MKO to invest on new landlord!

In Albania, the only Muslim country of Europe, a large number of MKO/MEK/PMOI members left the group’s controlling system. Thus, the group leaders organized new tactics to maintain the group’s survival in Tirana, Albania. Inviting the President of Albania to speak at the MKO’s yearly propaganda show in Villepint, Paris, is the proof that …

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Mrs. Rajavi! Your Propaganda Just doesn’t work well!

The MKO’s /MEK/PMOI disinformation campaign is not limited to the US Congress. The cult of Rajavi has had a longstanding lobbying campaign in the European Parliament too. The lavish bribery of the EP representatives and US Congressmen finally ended with removal of the group from the list of terrorist organizations. However, its propaganda has not been able to frustrate the West’s approach to …

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Three Decades Of MEK Lies About Iran—–Meet The Neocon’s Favorite Terrorist Group

..a mysterious suicide that some are claiming was a murder – it all sounds like a fourth-rate made-for-television thriller. That may be because its source – the weird neo-Marxist cult known as the Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MEK), which seems to have bought half the Congress and any number of well-known political figures and pundits – is prone to melodrama of the crudest sort…

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Maryam Rajavi, ludicrous testimony in a “historic hearing”

Thus when one of the main sponsors of the MKO, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee calls the event a “very historic hearing” praising Maryam Rajavi , she should be told that the hearing is definitely a very ludicrous hearing.Where and when did the MKO have any experience with ISIS, except some reports on the cooperation between MKO operatives and ISIS forces!…

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Why Is Congress Listening to an Ex-Terrorist Iranian Cult Leader?

Not everyone bought the group’s transformation into defenders of liberty, secularism, and women’s equality. Critics say the group began to transform into a cult centered around its leaders, the married couple Massoud and Maryam Rajavi, after the Iran-Iraq War, when thousands of its fighters were killed.In 2003, New York Times reporter Elizabeth Rubin visited the group’s Iraqi compound at Camp Ashraf and described it as resembling a “fictional world of female worker bees…

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MEK Uses Congressional Spotlight to Push Regime Change in Iran

“Over the past 30 years, the United States has been drawn into some serious diplomatic and military dead-ends in the Mideast by mistakenly backing individuals and organizations claiming popular support, which turned out to be exaggerated and somewhat manufactured,”Davis told Rajavi.”Would you please tell us about the role of the [MEK/MKO/PMOI] … and its place in the current Iranian political life?”

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