The MEK; the Hypocrites

MKO claims on underground nuclear site baseless: Iran UN mission

“It is regrettable that the newspaper has released false and repeated claims of a terrorist grouplet whose anti-human nature is evident to all,” the Fars news agency quoted the statement as saying.It reiterated that Iran’s nuclear energy program is peaceful and the allegations by the terrorist group are made out of desperation as Tehran has adopted a logical approach towards the issue…

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State Dept. Rules Out Iran “Secret Nuclear Facility”

The State Department said Friday that controversial claims made earlier this week by a often-criticized dissident group about a “secret nuclear facility” in Iran will not affect ongoing multilateral negotiations over Tehran’s nuclear program. The allegations–established about a facility called “Lavizan-3” by a …

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The Terror Bombing, the Prosecutor, the Spy and Mossad

The MEK officials claimed to know the exact day, hour, place and agenda of the meeting (although two different dates were mentioned). But an exile group, which had been at war with the Islamic regime for 13 years, obviously was not in a position to obtain such information. And the MEK/MKO/PMOI had long been a client of the Mossad, …

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The Nisman Murder and the AMIA Terror Bombing: A Tangled Thread

Nisman asserted that the highest Iranian officials had decided to carry out the bombing at a meeting on 12 or 14 August, 1993, primarily on the testimony of four officials of the Mujahedeen E-Khalq (MEK), the Iranian exile terrorist group that was openly dedicated to the overthrow of the Iranian regime. The four MEK officials claimed to know the precise place…..

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Nisman: Common “Martyr” for the Israel-MKO alliance

The Argentinean special prosecutor is glorified by Israeli and MKO authorities because he could manage to run a not so credible propaganda against Islamic Republic to give the wrong impression that Iranian official were behind the AMIA terror attack. As Belen Fernandez asserts, “The case against Iran – which has been repeated so unceasingly that the allegations are often passed off as fact…

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Maryam Rajavi – Cheerleader for Israel

Perhaps it is this astounding – or practiced – ignorance which allows the Council of Europe to allow use of their buildings as a platform to introduce Maryam Rajavi as an ‘Iranian opposition leader’ who speaks as some kind of expert on the danger of only one specific source of terrorism while at the same time …

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