The MEK; the Hypocrites

Modern Slavery in the Cult under Rajavi’s Program for Women

The testimonies of three interviewed women who are interviewed in the documentary severely challenge very special page on Maryam Rajavi’s website where its Gobbles propaganda issues a long statement titled “Women’s Freedoms and Equality in Tomorrow’s Iran”. Criticizing the Constitution of the Islamic Republic for violation of women rights…

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Beware of the MEK

The voices supporting the MEK/MKO/PMOI are ignoring the lessons of some of the most catastrophic U.S. foreign-policy mistakes in the past few decades, urging Washington to repeat history. Overhyping the threat of an adversary and blindly supporting groups opposing it led to the creation of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan …

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Deception in the Substance of the MKO

Once the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) was removed from the list of foreign terrorist organizations of the US department of State, it was believed that it would surely use its lobbying campaign to achieve US financial and military sponsorship. Their support for a group that until less than two years ago was designated a terrorist organization and described by the US State Department as “fundamentally undemocratic”….

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Joining hands with the deceitful MKO terror-cult would be a huge mistake

The adept propaganda apparatus of MKO/MEK/PMOI mixes the huge sums of money with huge sums of deception in order to portray the organization the way the audiences want it to be.Among human rights advocates it wears the mask of human rights defenders and shows itself as a prototype of a favored society. As the most colorful motto of the group, the leaders use slogans in support of gender equality and freedom of women….

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The MKO, Why such a reluctance to cover the news of Gaza

The MKO’s aka MEK/PMOI lack of enthusiasm and sympathy for the slaughter of Palestinians stems from the decade-long alliance of the group with Israeli Intelligence agencies. The notorious alliance includes financial, military, operational and spying cooperation that aims to demonize the Iranian Government. Their purpose is to curtail the nuclear program by any possible means.

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Maryam Rajavi’s annual Rally in Villepinte

The MEK pretend to work as mercenaries to suit western backers but have in reality simply exploited loopholes and weaknesses in western political systems purely to promote themselves and, like parasites, find a niche to exist in for a while. The MEK have infiltrated parliaments and ministries and …

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MKO’s Irresponsible Fear-mongering Goes on

Once again, the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) builds up nonexistent threats. It multiplies the fake evidence fabricated by Israeli Intelligence about Iranian nuclear program. Surprisingly the American prominent newspaper supports it with its propaganda against the Iranian government.

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