The MEK; the Hypocrites

Iran dismisses WSJ nuclear report as unfounded

the US newspaper cited a report by the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) as saying that Iran “has kept active and intact its core team of weaponization researchers.”In a statement on Wednesday, Iran’s diplomatic mission at the United Nations condemned the report as a fabrication.

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The Int. Community and Human Rights Record of the Cult of Rajavi

“The prison door opened, and a prisoner was thrown into the cell. He fell on his face. At first we didn’t recognize him. He was beaten up severely. We turned him around; it was Parviz Ahmadi taken for interrogations just a few hours before.”Parvis Ahmadi’s case is one of many cases of human rights violations taking place in the Mujahedin Khalq Organization’s aka MKO/MEK/PMOI camps…..

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Mujahedin Khalq; what are they really after?!

Ghorban Ali Hussein Nejad, a defected member of MKO who currently lives in a charity center for refugees in France states that the MKO/MEK/PMOI is vigorously recruiting attendees from refugee camps in exchange for money. Hussein Nejad says the group is recruiting African Arabs….

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The question still remains unresolved and the experts bring to the fore the question of where does the MEK get all the money it costs to maintain this important network of contacts and support . According to Vidal-Quadras, solely from the Iranians in the diaspora, “some of them are very wealthy”. Although …

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MKO terrorists used for information laundry

the documents were provided to Germany’s intelligence service by an occasional source who was part of the Iranian-exile terrorist organization Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK). The obviously self-interested MEK member was thus the Iranian equivalent of the now-discredited Iraqi source known as “Curveball,” whose tales of mobile bioweapons labs in Saddam’s Iraq became the centerpiece of the Bush

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US Embassy Takeover, the MKO For or Against

Therefore, along with their opportunistic substance, the MKO propaganda on the new dispute between the two governments is pushing a new campaign to buy more supporters in the US claiming”1979 US hostage takers are now senior Iranian officials & Rouhani cabinet members.”The group lists a number of half true half fake photos to support such allegations.

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MKO recruitment drive for a fresh programme of violence

The event is being held under the banner of a concocted organisation called ‘Iranian Youth of Europe and America’, which has not been heard of before and will, no doubt, never be heard of again. MEK operatives have been active in recruiting attendees. The MEK is facing a critical situation; the forces (hostages) inside Camp Liberty are becoming harder to control,

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