The MEK; the Hypocrites

Beware of Maryam Rajavi’s deception

She used to tell us that we all belong to Masoud Rajavi, her husband. Our soul and body must be for him. We were told that without Masoud, we women did not mean anything. You must be ready to sacrifice your lives for him whenever he wanted. He owns our souls, blood and breath. You will leave Masoud only …

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Massoud Rajavi panics over new revelations

The new MKO’s aka MEK/PMOI flood of accusations against defectors and critics has no use except a tool to threat other members who are still taken as hostages behind the bars of the cult. All these allegations and accusations are made to give a lesson to the other hostages of the consequences of leaving the cult.

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The MKO’s double standards over democracy and terrorism

The MKO’s meaningful silence over the life of the Iranian soldiers who are at risk of being slaughtered by radical extremists evokes the violent anti-Iranian substance of the Cult of Rajavi…Using fake and true photos of Bakhtiari demonstrations in some Iranian provinces the MKO opportunists make efforts to trouble the waters ..

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Letter to Guterres from former MKO members

We, the undersigned, as a group of former members of PMOI in Eastern Azarbijan province (Northwest of Iran), express our support for the request of the families of the residents of Camp Liberty to ask your honor, as UN High Commissioner for Refugees and international authority are responsible to solve this issue …

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Rajavi’s absurd claim of equality !

Maryam Rajavi’s idea about hijab is very controversial. She claims in her so-called “ten point plan for future of Iran” that women “will enjoy the right to freely choose their clothing”. However, evidences on what is really going on inside her group indicates that there is no freedom of clothing in the MKO aka MEK/PMOI camps.

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