The MEK; the Hypocrites

Retarded MKO PR Apparatus

Surprisingly, the MKO propaganda websites have so far kept silent regarding the 1$ million funding by the US government to facilitate the relocation process of Hurriya residents. Instead, the group’s propaganda is focused on demonizing Iranian government and fabricating nonsense about the nuclear program. The MKO’s parrot-like propaganda against Iran seems very similar to that of the Israelis….

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Razaghi: Israel’s Iranian spy belongs to Mojahedin Khalq

Ali Mansouri was resident in Turkey between 1980 and 1998 and was in charge of gathering intelligence from inside Iran. He himself would travel to Iran every now and then. The MEK, of course, was very keen to keep him and his work secret. I remember clearly a few times that I was tasked to go to see him to collect some pictures and documents …

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MEK leader set to use violence to disrupt Geneva talks

The security of meetings held in Geneva is not in your hands, nor is it in the hands of Iran, but violent activity will have dire consequences for all sides. It is important to put the MEK where it belongs – it has no place in the political process. The group is purely a brand and a tool. Once a group is named as a tool in the hands of paying …

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MEK Makes Desperate New Iran Nuclear Accusation, Reuters Yawns

With the world anticipating real progress at the next round of P5+1 talks set to start next week in Geneva, the MEK is getting desperate. Because they appear to only want a violent regime change in Iran, talk of actual diplomacy is their worst nightmare. Today, Reuters reports on the latest wild accusation tossed out by the MEK using the “umbrella”…..

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Prepare for more mystery deaths of MEK members

There is strong evidence that the aim of the attack on Camp Ashraf was to capture or kill Massoud Rajavi on the understanding he has been in hiding there. If that is the case, then the seven missing people, who have been identified as Rajavi’s close inner circle, have been part of a pre-planned manoeuvre to rescue him in the …

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Iraq denies halting services to MEK

Georges Bakoos, who oversees the MEK/MKO/PMOI issue for the Iraqi government, dismissed the dissident group’s allegations as “propaganda.” He acknowledged there are occasional power cuts at the camp but said they are no different as those in other parts of Iraq.

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