The MEK; the Hypocrites

Bob Filner now claims he was fooled by fake MEK charity in U.S.

Filner said his $9,839 in travel costs to Paris were covered by the Organization of Iranian-American Communities, a group Filner initially claimed was a charity organized under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3).“I have become aware that the OIAC’s representations regarding its non-profit status were inaccurate,” Filner said in a news release late Wednesday.

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I was trapped by the MKO for the love of Europe

After the Americans arrived, Camp Ashraf was disarmed and some of prisoners [members] ran away. My brother went to American Camp from where he tried to help me get released. When the MKO saw I was determined to leave the camp, they told my mother that I committed suicide so she had to come get my dead body. When my mother came, she asked to visit my brother and after they met, they couldn’t leave each other. I was so scared that my Mom would get into trouble.

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MKO hiring New York beggars to hold demonstrations

A handful of members of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) who were protesting against the Iraqi officials in front of the United Nations headquarters here paid New York beggars to persuade them to join their tiny gathering. Simultaneous with the United Nations Security Council meeting on Iraq….

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U.S. Politicians Seduced by MKO’s Shadow Government

The MeK’s aka MKO/PMOI political agenda has undergone multiple transformations—at various points since its founding in 1965 it has been Marxist, Islamist, secular—but its opposition to Iran’s post-Shah Shi’a regime has remained a constant. The organization, which moved its main headquarters to Iraq in the 1980s, was first listed as a terrorist organization by the State Department in 1997 for its killings of American civilians in Iran in the 1970s and an attempted bombing of the Iranian UN Mission…

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Beware of a Cult’s Abuse of Propaganda

MKO’s aka MEK/PMOI fierce campaign in the past well depicts the wrong direction that the group had taken for the cause of democracy. How can it claim to be following the principles of democracy when the very same president-elect of the group, Maryam Rajavi, is elected through no social and inter-organizational voting….

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MEK Stirs Pot in Iran Despite Improved Negotiation Outlook

Time will soon tell us whether there is indeed a new secret Iranian nuclear facility or if, as happens when NCRI produces its own “intelligence”, this is just another load of bunk. If NCRI’s satellite photos only appear on David Albright’s site (he has not yet posted them), then this is likely just another disinformation campaign by MEK/MKO/PMOI.

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Iran dismisses MKO allegation of secret nuclear site

“This report is by no means true and is denied [by the Islamic Republic of Iran],” Araqchi said, adding, “The terrorist MKO has been so discredited that the publication of such stories by them is not worth a response,” he added. The Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization – blamed for the assassination of many Iranian people and officials after the …

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Maliki denied Mojahedin Khalq lobby remarks

Maliki’s office in a statement denied the accusations, and said, “In a special ceremony in Paris for the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization that opposes the Iranian government Casey has claimed that Maliki had informed him that the leader of the Iranian Quds Brigade was behind the bombing in the holy shrine of Imam Hassan al-Askari …

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What’s remained of the MKO?

Definitely the MKO show in Paris was not an Iranian demonstration at all. The major authorities speaking at the hall were mostly American; the attendees were deceived to take a trip in Paris almost for free. Not a single Iranian except the she-guru of the cult, Maryam Rajavi addressed the crowd because none of the Iranian intellectuals –even those who oppose Islamic Republic – care about the MKO if they do not hate it.

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