The MEK; the Hypocrites

Vain Attempt to Question the UN Legitimacy

As a matter of fact, Mr. Kobler is not in Iraq to deal with the never-ending problems, better to say non-stop excuse makings, of an outcast terrorist group that has no respects for internal or international agreements. As a coordinator to help solve one among many problems in Iraq, Mr. Kobler did his best to mediate a settlement between the Iraqi government and Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO, MEK, PMOI, MCR, NLA)…

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Inhabitants of Liberty do not enjoy the minimum of security

Urgent call – … The truth is that Liberty is much smaller than Ashraf and Rajavi’s cultic apartheid cannot be enforced in it so easily; gossip spreads quicker amongst the people and therefore cultic control is much harder. What has no place in Rajavi’s scheming is the life of the members of his cult and he even prefers to have more casualties for using in his propaganda campaign. It must be mentioned that returning to Ashraf …

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MKO losing the opportunity to run its new plot

A few hours after the Liberty attack, the MKO websites launched large-scale propaganda over the issue. They held an event where a number of their supporters including Howard Dean, Patrick Kennedy, and Strauan Stevenson, spoke on behalf of the group’s recently taken agenda; they all called for residents’ return to Camp Ashraf…

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MKO’s new propaganda on Camp Liberty

According to reports, almost all former members of the MKO/MEK/PMOI who fled the group camps in Iraq could manage to resettle whether in Iran or in European countries. It sounds that leaving Iraq is not so difficult that the Rajavis could not relocate their members yet. Probably it’s not the matter of ability it’s the matter of will.

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Hassan Dai must explain MEK ties

Since Dai constantly avoids answering questions about his links with Masoud Rajavi’s Mujaheddeen (MEK) cult, and friendly TV hosts don’t press him on it, I’ll begin with unanswered questions on this topic.1. You were in Iraq, but you have never disclosed how long you were in Iraq and for what purpose. Please clarify this for us….

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Hassan Dai: Unrepentant Fraud

Dai’s latest blunder came in the multiple orgasms he had covering a report linking two anti-MEK activists to Iranian intelligence… The MEK’s online operation immediately distributed the report …But Dai’s excitement was to be short lived. In what appears to be an unprecedented move by the Library of Congress, they retracted the report for inaccuracy, as its findings were revealed to trace back to the MEK….

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MKO’s Trick of Concentrating upon a Single Foe

Pretty remarkable in MKO-run propaganda machine is a strange paradox. It highlights anti-Iranian regime sentiments and demonizes whoever is attached to it and minimizes whatever might cause MKO fall into disrepute of being represented as an undemocratic terrorist cult. It fuels global rage against Iranian regime but praises the group and its leaders as pro-democratic

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Iranians critical of MEK terrorist group seek protection

An open letter has been written by Iranians resident in France to French authorities asking for protection against the Mojahedin Khalq terrorist operatives in that country. The letter shows how a fabricated report by the MEK said to be from The Pentagon is being used to legitimise the physical elimination of critics and survivors of the Rajavi cult. The report names two of Saddam’s torturers..

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Maryam Rajavi not Welcome in Spain

Maryam Rajavi was not welcomed here by the Iranian community. In Spain there are less Iranians than Germany or French but any way no one was there to support her or say welcome. We still consider them as buddies of Saddam and traitors to the mother land. No one has forgotten them killing Iranian soldiers and Kurds.

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Pentagon Report and the MeK

Pentagon’s report about the Intelligence power of Iran once again has created opportunity for Rajavi’s gang to try to pose itself. Referring to the content of Pentagon report on Iran, remnants of Rajavi forge that they are the greatest and the most dangerous opposition of the Iranian government.Also, upon this report, MeK/MKO/PMOI leadership makes effort to justify…

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