The MEK; the Hypocrites

Who can interview with Maryam Rajavi ?

This opening sentence clearly indicates that the interview was actually managed by the interviewee not the interviewer.What does Maryam Rajavi mean by “popular support” inside Iran?!One thing is sure; Rajavi’s claim is absolutely false. Although the MEK claims to be loved and respected inside Iran, the truth is that most Iranians view the terrorist organization as ruthless …

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More smoke and mirrors from the MEK propaganda factory

It is known that Zucker, along with his family, visited Maryam Rajavi in Paris and was sufficiently impressed by her glamorous outfits, free dinners and weasel words to become an active advocate of the MEK in America. However, Zucker’s article received a thorough retort back in 2007 from Professor Paul Sheldon Foote. Reference to the same discredited article in this report can only be done out of ignorance…

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French Assembly, Why did you invite Maryam Rajavi?

When Mrs Maryam Rajavi speaks about human rights, you should know that there are 3200 MEK members who have been held captive in Iraq in Camp Liberty on her direct order. Of this total more than half are willing to return to their normal life, if allowed their freedom. Currently, members who show any hint of dissent and those who want to separate from the MEK …

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MKO Concerned about Human Rights!

Appreciated as an overall promising and urging move, the attendance is being criticized by the leaders of the forcefully relocated MKO aka MEK/PMOI that the Iraqi government is decisive to expel from its soil for its very same role in violation of human rights and many Iraqi rules as well as interfering in domestic affairs. In a statement issued by the group…

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Regime Change in Iran by the MKO?!

“The MEK may deny wanting violent regime change, but the only conceivable way it would become the next government in Tehran would be at the head of a US invasion force,” Jeremia Goulka suggests.The words of Maryam Rajavi addressing French deputies are helpful to testify how much the MKO/MEK/PMOI leaders are mastered in their puffed-up propaganda campaign…

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Camp Liberty resembles a prison?

In her recent act of disinformation, Maryam Rajavi addressed Estonian Parliament calling for support for the so called resistance of the Iranian people (!) against Islamic Republic. She dares to represent herself as Iranians’ attorney, while she doesn’t comply with the most basic human rights within her own camps either in Iraq or France. ..

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The sole victims of MKO cult are its members and their families

Long enslaved in Camp Ashraf and now located in a temporary transit location near Baghdad, the members of MKO are denied of the right to life and liberty and are kept against their will. They are not allowed to have any form of contact to the world outside and even with their family members many of whom have long requested and are waiting at the gates of the camp to see their children and relatives.

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French Senator writes book to denounce the MKO

Regarding the past of the PMOI, it’s hard to believe that such a group that still suffers all symptoms and problems of a totalitarian cult of personality, violent activities, hidden financial resources, lie, threat, accusation and destruction of civilians under the pretext of enlightening, has turned into a democratic organization!

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When Will MKO Swing into Action?

A flashback to the decade-long campaign by Mojahedin Khalq Organization MKO/MEK/PMOI to be removed from the global terrorist lists, and particularly after the controversial POAC’s judgment to be removed from the EU blacklist, had convinced many misinformed that the world was neglecting and depriving itself ….

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