The MEK; the Hypocrites

The Blood Stained Hands of a Terrorist Group ;MEK

In spite of MKO’s widespread terrorist operations of bombing and assassination inside Iran and its later out-of-the-border organized hit and run operations perpetrated in the last three decades as well as its broadly launched military operation like that of the Eternal Light, it seems that the organization has never been considered a serious threat for the Iranian regime…

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Has the MEK changed?

as the US made its case for invading Iraq in 2003, it cited the Iraqi leader’s support for the MEK/MKO/PMOI as evidence of his support for terrorism.But now, after a two-year lobbying campaign that enlisted many prominent US politicians and former military officers, the group will no longer be considered a terrorist organisation

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Judge puts Terror goup lobbyist Hassan Daieoleslam on notice

Daieoleslam he changed his tune and did not seek to argue that his accusations were correct and truthful. Instead he essentially abandoned the truth and instead argued that NIAC could not prove that he knew what he was saying was false, i,e malicious. Daieoleslam tried to shift the focus of the court away from the central charge and instead overwhelm NIAC with legal expenses by filing an endless stream of motions. ..

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Do not condone Mojahedin Khalq’s forced divorces

Recently , I found out that you had been invited by this organization [MKO/MEK/PMOI] for the annual gathering of this organization in Villepint. I listened to your speech in that gathering and I am terribly sorry that such organization is still trying its best to deceive the public-opinion and the prominent political-figures. This organization holds such gatherings and meetings through spending huge amount of money..

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Maryam Rajavi, Leader of MKO Cult Is Lying

From 2003 to 2009 the Ashraf camp was under the supervision and control of the American army and they were helping them by giving medication, medical facilities and fuel and foodstuff, but none of those items mentioned above reached to the hands of the members of this cult . those items either were sold in the Iraq black market or was in monopolization of the cult leaders. ..

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MKO leader Massoud Rajavi sending mixed messages

You would imagine that, when offered a (now retracted) deal like that from Hillary Clinton – give up Camp Ashraf to give us some grounds to take you off the US terror list – bearing in mind the concomitant Patriot Act funding that would surely follow – Massoud Rajavi would grab it with both hands, vacate the camp and make plans to move his army to a similar camp in another country neighbouring Iran. ..

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In the wake of delisting MKO terrorist group from the US list

In the catastrophic event of 9/11 , the pmoi leadership held a session . in that session all the participants were clapping their hands and enjoying themselves . the pmoi leader , Massoud Rajavi , analogized the USA to “a paper like tiger” and he said “ this is the fundamental Islam which create such an event , wait and see what a storm our revolutionary Islam will create and I can see a day clearly that we go after the demolishing of USA..

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