The MEK; the Hypocrites

MEK Spokesmen and Their Cozy Home at The Huffington Post

Nevertheless, all of Abedini’s previous articles remain archived on HuffPo. Furthermore, Greenwald points out that”The Huffington Post has also repeatedly published Ali Safavi, who is also..There’s yet another MeK/NCRI /MKO spokesman and propagandist who also regularly posts articles on HuffPo: Alireza Jafarzadeh.

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Never-Ending Excuses of MKO in Iraq

Since the halt of relocation, MKO/MEK/PMOI has proved its unusual skill in inventing endless excuses. Except a few of them that the Iraqi government has already agreed their transfer to transit camp, other demands are not realistic since they are of no use in a temporary camp. For instance…

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MKO Fails to Win the Global Trust

highlighted remarks indicate that Mr. Page was either badly misinformed or was following footsteps of already misled officials and politicians whose views were also based on misinformation. Page’s words are just the very same principles MKO has been trying to fabricate in its disinformation campaign over the last decade,..

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The Greed, Cluelessness, and Poor Judgment of the MEK’s American Advocates

What doesn’t make any sense is how so many prominent figures could be so thoroughly ignorant about the background of an organization whose cause they are promoting. At some point, the ignorance defense isn’t credible. Since the MEK’s aka MKO/PMOI American advocates obviously know so little about the group’s history, why should anyone else trust their judgment when they say that the group shouldn’t remain on the FTO list?

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Iranian diplomat target of MKO-Zionists plot in Germany

Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Hassan Qashqavi has revealed a joint plot by the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) and the German tabloid Bild to launch a smear campaign against an Iranian diplomat…given the grievances suffered by the Iranian consular member at the hands of the Frankfurt police, Iran’s Foreign Ministry will pursue…

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The democracy Rajavi believes in

To clarify the type of democracy the MKO speaks of an example of their so-called pro- democracy acts should be noticed: Prior to the June23 gathering, several former members of the group staged a rally voice their resentment at the terrorist activities of the MKO ..The defectors rally was confronted by a number of MKO members wielding knives, snap-off blade cutters, chains and baseball bats..

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Iranian Terrorist Group M.E.K. Pays Big to Make History Go Away

IACNT and IANCC paid the lobbying firms in Washington thousands of dollars to get signatures for the congressional resolution. They paid the speakers lobby thousands of dollars to get Rendell, Giuliani and Crowley, participants said.And they funded a series of sleek ads that have aired on channels like Fox calling for a delisting of the M.E.K. aka MKO/PMOI

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The MEK Still Has Not Changed

the reality is that the group’s beliefs are antithetical to liberal and democratic principles. The MEK’s reinvention as a “democratic” opposition group is a classic example of a revolutionary organization adopting the rhetoric of its would-be Western patron. Suffice it to say that a group that relied on the patronage and protection of Saddam Hussein for over two decades..

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MKO Is a Disgrace to the Media Warfare

Since conducting its antagonistic struggle under a pro-democratic disguise in European countries, MKO has heavily invested on the crucial role of the media to spread its play in the formation of public opinion and thought through talking in monologue. MKO has its own private media that broadcasts its own words..

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