The MEK; the Hypocrites

Columnist Clarence Page to return $20k speaking fee to MEK

Page said he was paid a fee of $20,000 and travel expenses and that he attended the June 23 event during vacation time. He said he just arrived back at work from vacation and has not yet given back the money..”I thought they were simply a group of Iranian exiles who were opposed to the regime in Tehran,” Page said.

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Tribune columnist under review for paid speech for MKO

Page, a member of the Tribune editorial board, received $20,000 and was given travel expenses for the June 23 event in Paris,..In the eyes of the State Department, the MEK is a foreign terrorist organization. In the 1970s, the group killed several U.S. military personnel and civilians in Iran and..

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Who’s Hanging Out With The Iranian Terrorist Group Now?

Every big- and middle-name Democrat and Republican loves raking in fees to speak to the exiled Iranian Marxist guerilla group MEK, an official member of the State Department’s terrorist group list..Of course Newt Gingrich did this. What’s more fascinating is how working journalist Clarence Page of the Chicago Tribune found himself in such a position..

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MKO leaders to pay off UN staff

Rajavi’s interpreter, who has recently escaped Camp liberty (Temporary Transit Location), speaks of new dimensions of the Mujahedin Khalq’s activities including bribing the employees of the UN High Commission of Refugees.

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June23, Where are Iranians?

Days before the event they publicized for the rally spending huge amounts of money to bring rented crowds to Paris. A week after the event held you can find on the group’s websites very few photos and highly edited videos of the gathering. You may see the 1300 buses the MKO propaganda claimed of but you never see who got off the buses, Iranian exiles or hired Arabs and black Africans.

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Ethics Coming to Matter for MKO!

To dig up truth about the terrorist cult of Mojahedin Khalq Organization MKO/MEK, it is just anniversary of another bloody, flagrant terrorist perpetration. As disclosed in the US State Department’s Report in 1992, the group is unquestionably responsible for one of the most heinous terrorist operations in its armed warfare against Iranian regime…

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Mojahedine Khalq terrorist group propaganda

The latest event at Villepinte in Paris on June 23 was such a spectacle. But it was a spectacle of spectacular failure. Probably the most embarrassing event the MEK has yet had to outlive . Most of the VIPs, who had been rounded up to promote the MEK under the false ‘democratic change’ front groups, called in sick after being briefed by government officials..

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The recent actions of Rajavi’s gang in France

France now is on the eve of an important exam. Its governors should know that with the closure of the MeK’s main camp in Iraq, their country will be the center of this terrorist group- whether its individuals could take asylum or not, and Auvers-sur-Oise will be the center of their terrorist acts. So, the best option for France is following the Iraqi government to expel the MeK.

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Glorification of An Undemocratic Start

It is now three decades when the mass demonstrations of Mojahedin Khalq Organization MKO/MEK shook Tehran and many other Iranian provincial towns on 20 June 1981. The outcome was Mojahedin’s declaring a ruthless armed warfare against the newly born regime of Islamic Republic the day after. The day marks a turning point in group’s terrorist pedigree …

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