The MEK; the Hypocrites

MKO tries to set up a new garrison in Iraq

Discussing the current degrading conditions of the terrorist group after their relocation from Camp Ashraf to Camp Liberty, Habilian Foundation Secretary-General Mohammad Javad Hasheminejad told YJC that the conditions at Camp Liberty are not similar to the ones at the notorious Camp Ashraf, since it restricted the activities of its members like a fence and there they were working in an organizational manner.

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Rajavi’s Mansions – Part1

Rajavi’s appearance may not seem like Pharos, Emperors and kings but his interior life is the same as them. He has servants, maids, workers and a queen. He has torturers, prisons and turnkeys…While the MKO’s propaganda was all the time speaking of the group’s bad financial situation and the group’s urgent need for funds, Massoud Rajavi was spending millions of dollars to build mansions, houses and safe havens for himself and Maryam Rajavi all over Iraqi territory.

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A Lobbyist or a Messenger to Mankind

I always wondered how the survivor of a human tragedy could be abused for the justification of another human tragedy just taking place before the eyes of the world. Just last year on April 27, Elie Wiesel, a survivor of Hitler’s death camp at Buchenwald, was invited to make a speech at a conference in Paris organized by Mojahedin Khalq ,MKO ..

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Open letter to the President of USA , Mr. Barack Obama

The Ashraf scuffles which has been carried out by the direct order of Rajavi , they pretend that those scuffles are US fault. I draw your attention to the following topics which the PMOI/MKO/MEK leadership have issued them in their Media: Maryam Rajavi’s speech ( after the representative’s speech in the US congress hearing session) From now on the responsibility of any blood which is shed in Ashraf , is on USA and the Iranian resistance is no longer ..

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No anti-riot unit in Liberty Camp [TTL], Interior Ministry

Iraqi Interior Ministry spokesman denied today that the anti-riot unit is present in Liberty Camp [TTL]. Liberty camp [TTL] is the new accommodation center for anti-Iranian Mujahidi Khalq organization members. Mujahidin Khalq stated yesterday, Friday, that the anti-riot unit scattered in the camp to suppress its people. Iraqi government decided to move Ashraf Camp residents of Mujahidin Khalq to a new camp called Liberty as a substitute camp in cooperation with the United Nations, despite the rejection of the organization to this move …

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MKO runs advert for equipment at Camp Ashraf

MKO aka PMOI/MEK ran a newspaper ad in Thursday’s edition of Al-Mashriq, a Baghdad daily, for the equipment at Camp Ashraf most of which they have received from Saddam in exchange for their services. The display ad contains a list of equipment such as engineering tools, heating and cooling systems of large rooms..An email address is also given for those who are willing to purchase the items …

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The Contradictory Image of MKO

In the course of its forty seven years long life MKO has stubbornly dwelled on its strategically made mistakes, failures and dogmatism believing to have achieved huge successes, habitually making a mountain out of a molehill. And just at this time when the organization is facing its critical phase and condition of uncertainty, its leader in hideout, Massoud Rajavi, has begun to talk big and claims to be entering a phase of change and starting to ..

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MKO pays Iraqi politicians USD 5K

one of the most senior Iraqi officials bribed is lawmaker and spokesman for the al-Iraqiya bloc Haidar al-Mulla, who has been receiving a monthly payment of USD 5,000 from the terrorist cell.The official added that the list of the bribed Iraqi officials also includes Zafar al-Ani, former lawmaker; Sarmad Abdolkarim, Baathist refugee in Denmark who manages the website; Safi al-Yaseri, author; and Hamid al-Mutlaq and Maysoon al-Damluji, ..

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The Vain Struggle to Keep Ashraf Open

The ground reasons for the closure of Camp Ashraf are more than enough to present. The Iraqi Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki, made it clear that the camp had to be closed simultaneous with the exit of the American forces from Iraq. America also left the decision for the group’s future to the Iraqi government. However, under outside pressures and to show its good-will for humanitarian reasons, the Iraqi Government agreed to extend..

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MKO’s supporters throw party in U.S. Congress

there were no MEK signs or banners at the event, as one usually sees wherever the MEK is camped out. .. Congressional aides attended the event on Thursday in the hearing room both out of curiosity and hunger for free food. But multiple aides told The Cable the event was bizarre, even by Congressional standards.

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