The MEK; the Hypocrites

MEK try to cover up involvement in failed coup attempt

With the arrest of 615 Saddamist Baathists in the middle and south of Iraq charged with activities that threatened the safety and security of the state, it may be that the dots are finally being joined up. Up until yesterday the MEK’s/MKO/PMOI websites and media were forcefully promoting the views of several Iraqi politicians who are among those arrested. Today their names have been carefully expunged from the site…

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Iran Claims U.S.-Sponsored MKO Terrorists Conceived Saudi Ambassador

In the 1970s, however, MEK was responsible for the death of three American officers and three civilian contractors in Iran. The group also voiced significant support for Iran’s taking of hostages during the Iranian hostage crisis, and some reports indicate that members of the group celebrated the 9/11 attacks, though the organization publicly condemned the attacks.MEK has conducted a number of other terrorist attacks as well, but most have been excused because they were directed against the Iranian government…

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The MEK’s Propaganda Machine

The record extends from the days it was killing Americans while opposing the shah, through supporting the hostage-taking at the U.S. embassy in Tehran, through the long period during which it was working for the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein. The record is not based just on what is said by the State Department or an intelligence agency or any governmental component with a policy to support, much less on anything the Iranian regime might say. If you want a recent independently reported portrait ..

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Open Letter to Ashton on hostages in Camp Ashraf

The MEK is designated as a terrorist organisation by Iraq based on its activities in their country against their citizens – the MEK has killed 25,000 Iraqi civilians over two decades. In contrast, the EU does not regard the MEK as a terrorist entity. This should make it possible for residents of Camp Ashraf – in addition to those who already have citizen or residency rights – to be brought to Europe as refugees under the auspices of the UNHCR…

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Iran Links US-funded MKO Terrorists to Saudi-DEA Bomb Plot

Readers, in the absence of evidence provided by America’s gun-running Attorney General Eric Holder, must consider which is more plausible; that the DEA entrapped a patsy arranged by MEK who has been training literally inside the United States for years, or that Iran’s elite Quds Forces lapsed into insanity, contradicting years of Iranian foreign policy, noted even by America’s conspiring warmongers as wanting to avoid any justification for Western aggression against their nation.

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Withdrawal of US Troops From Iraq Highly Suspect

The 2009″Green Revolution”was just such an attempt at”covert regime change”to”goad Iran into such a provocation”though it ignominiously failed. It appears that in addition to funding, arming, and harboring the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK), the US has also taken to entirely fabricating”such provocations…

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Do not Trust MKO Fabrications

“It will be interesting to see how this plays out. It would not be the first time the Mujahedin al-Khalq has forced intelligence agencies and the press to scramble with an elaborate hoax. And, even if the evidence against the Islamic Republic is overwhelming, the fact that Iranian leaders can seize on past Mujahedin al-Khalq fabrications is ample reason not to trust anything the MKO says today either, no matter how many American and European officials are willing to embrace them.”

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Mek efforts to Make Anti-Iranian scenario Believable

Since the story of American accusing Iran of planning to assassinate the Saudi envoy in Washington, we can find more clues about the involvement of MeK lobbies which are connected with Israel in this scenario, and as the time passes, this alleged plot becomes more unbelievable and it is faced with more questions.Obviously, Rajavi remnants are extremely nervous and cluttered of rational questions of scholars, writers, journalists and intellectuals in America and around the world about accuracy of this scenario.

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Former MEK Leader Confirms Terror Conspirator Affiliated with the group

a former high-ranking MEK leader, Massoud Khodabandeh writing in the Gulf2000 listserv, confirmed that Shakuri is in fact an MEK member. He cautions that there may be more than one Gholam Shakuri, and the one who is the MEK member may not be the same Shakuri the U.S. has named. While this may be true, this new development moves Shakuri a lot closer to being MEK aka MKO/PMOI…

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Iran: Alleged Terror Conspirator MEK Leader

I’ve been able to confirm with enough certainty to feel comfortable publishing the report from Iranian media that Gholam Shakuri, the alleged Iranian Revolutionary Guard co-conspirator in the Iran terror plot, is a member of the Mujahadeen al-Khalq (MEK/MKO/PMOI). This is the group which engages in acts of terror within Iran in order to overthrow the regime. It also collaborates with the Mossad …

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