The MEK; the Hypocrites

More on “Washington’s Favorite Terrorists,” the MEK

Iranian politics are complex and can be as confusing as US foreign policy is on Iran, but of this you can be certain: the MEK and it’s “parliament in-waiting” is considered illegitimate at best by the vast majority of Iranians living inside and outside of Iran. It can’t serve the interests of the US government or normal Iranians either.But that doesn’t seem to matter to the likes of Rudy Giuliani, Tom Ridge, John Bolton and other neoconservatives, far right-wingers and their European it naive to hope that the mainstream media which failed so badly in the run up to the Iraq war with figures like Ahmed Chalabi will give this group better investigative coverage?

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Mujahedin Khalq are not democrats or freedom fighters

The MEK have been lobbying hard in Washington since the 80s at least, despite being on the terrorist list for killing American diplomats and military personnel in the days of the Shah. .. they seem able to persuade Congressmen .. Yet besides their track record of killing US personnel in the Shah’s day, they are based in Iraq, fought on the side of Saddam Hussein during the Iran-Iraq war, maintain to this day a cultlike”Camp Ashraf”in Iraq..Their PR skills are good. In my journalism days they used to drop by regularly to try to cultivate me, and while I listened politely, I had too many US military friends ..

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Iraq – France relations strained over MKO terrorists event in Paris

… The Iraqi government summoned the French ambassador to Baghdad to protest at Paris for hosting a conference of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) where the terrorist group raised unfounded allegations against Baghdad.”To affect the international community and attract international support, the MKO has claimed that the Iraqi government has killed 35 members of the group and injured 350 others,”the Iraqi government said on Monday.”But, this is a sheer lie …

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Yves Bonnet’s French lawyers condemned MKO’s fake announcement

French lawyers of Yves Bonnet seriously condemned the group’s misinformation on his court ruling and reproached MKO/MEK/PMOI for distortion of the ruling.Following the biting failure of Yves Bonnet, former Head of French Secret Service, in French appeal court in Paris, Rajavi’s band set off for a disinformation campaign quoting fake words of Bonnet’s French lawyers…He was sentenced to pay penalty and publish an apology letter in three French newspapers.He was required by the court to mention in the letter of apology that his book was written under the orders of MKO. He also had to pay a 3000 – euro penalty.

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MKO More Dangerous than Al-Qaida

Once again, the terrorist group of Rajavi means to hold an event in Paris, in the anniversary of the day they declared armed struggle… When MKO declared armed struggle on June 20th, 1981, the war between Iran and Iraq was in its bad days..Now, by launching a new funny show in France abusing the bloods of those killed in Ashraf Iraq on April 8th, 2011, Maryam Rajavi and his husband want to hold an event supported by some retired MPs…European states and security organizations should seriously watch their nations so that their youth don’t get in the trap of these dangerous groups.

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MKO Using Former US Officials, Retired Generals to Pursue Terrorist Objectives

… Established in February 2005, the Iran Policy Committee (IPC) is comprised of former officials from the White House, State Department, Pentagon, intelligence agencies, and experts from think-tanks and universities. Members of the IPC, a nonprofit and bipartisan organization based in Washington DC, include R. Bruce McColm; Lt. General Thomas McInerney USAF (ret.); Captain Charles T.”Chuck”Nash, USN (ret.); Lt. General Edward Rowny, USA (ret.); Professor Raymond Tanter; Major General Paul E. Vallely, USA (ret.). Many of the MKO members abandoned the terrorist organization while …

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Mr. Karami Open Letter to President Obama

… Although the reports of DOS on MEK in 2005 and 2006 are not complete, they offer a few examples of numerous cult-like approaches of MEK. Today, considering valuable information on MEK published by DOS and DOD, including RAND report, the terrorist cult of MEK must not be allowed to spread lies and feed American politicians with its disinformation campaign. MEK’s re-designation as a foreign terrorist organization will disappoint the group and its propaganda machine. You may want to take a look at the group’s latest request made by its spokesman Ali Reza Jaafarzadeh to find out how its deceptive propaganda machine works …

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Giuliani, Dean Paid To Advocate For Terrorist Group

The question of what to do with the residents of Camp Ashraf — which includes a number of children — is a tough one, but it should be separated out from whether they should be taken off the terrorism list. Barbara Slavin had a very good piece in March, looking at the delusion of some high-profile MEK/MKO/PMOI supporters that the U.S. could support them as a credible Iranian political opposition force…Kombiz Lavasany wrote via Twitter, “In Chalabi’s defense, not sure Iraqis knew or cared about him. Everyone in Iran just hates the MEK.”

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MEPs warned not to fall victim to misleading MKO lobby

MEPs from five political groups have sent a letter to their colleagues to brief them about the PMOI lobby in the European Parliament.The letter says that while the deaths at Camp Ashraf were uncacceptable, MEPs should not ignore the MEKs history ..The support the PMOI receives from members of Parliament allows its leadership to perpetuate their absolute power over the rank and file, of which most are believed to want to desperately leave the group. The hundreds of members who have managed to escape from Ashraf and have been screened by the UNHCR ..

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ADVT condemned the assassination of Iranian laborers by MKO

… The violation of the human rights of the laborers is not limited to the assassinations; The MKO illegally transfers many workers who are seeking for a job in foreign countries, to Iraq and MKO’s military base there. After confiscating their identity documents, these laborers receive compulsory military and terrorist trainings and also are exposed to forced labor. On one hand, based on the ‘freedom of the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favorable conditions of work …

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