The MEK; the Hypocrites

When Democracy Turns into hypocrisy

For those US policy makers who make efforts to invest on MKO as a tool against Islamic Republic, the group seems to be a potential means to advance US policy regarding Iran.”To think of the MEK as some kind of policy tool to use against Tehran is both foolish and bizarre,”Paul Pillar writes. He reminds them that MKO has”virtually no support within Iran”. [3]But US warmongers seem to be very choosy about their allies..Indeed, whether or not MKO has left violence or poses any threat to the West, it is a harmful policy to harbor a destructive cult that always poses a potential threat to Iran-US relations. ..

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Former members of MKO welcomed in a meeting in Germany

The three ex-members told the audience some of their bitter experiences in MKO aka MEK/PMOI. They mentioned the group’s tricks and deceitful approaches to recruit members.They spoke of the suffocating, closed atmosphere of inside the cult where members are not allowed to marry, to contact their family, to watch TV or to read newspapers. They just have to work so hard that they could not find any opportunity to think.Although the atmosphere of Camp Ashraf is terribly oppressive, escaping the cult is not impossible,according to former members; people should only decide to save themselves from the bars of Ashraf.

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Mr. Mahmoud Sepahi announces separation from MKO

..In 2000, when I was residing in UAE in hope of immigration to the United States, I was deceived by MKO recruiters and taken to Iraq. After a few days, I found out the lies they had told me and that I had been taken there to remain in Camp Ashraf. Since the early days, I asked them to let me get back to UAE but they created so terrible condition for me that I was convinced to stay there…

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Mujahedeen Khalq – Baby Snatchers

Similarities can be seen between the Mujahideen initiative and the Chinese ‘Cultural Revolution’. One implications of this initiative is that a member’s spouse or a child belongs to the organisation and the organisation is free to do whatever it wishes to do with them. This policy claimed considerable number of casualties. Amongst them was ‘Bihawar[Bahador], the two year old son of an Iranian Kurd by the name of Khurrami. ‘Bihawar'[Bahador] was with an unknown number of children who were separated from their parents to be sent to Europe or North America. What befell to these children will be told a bit later.

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PMOI, a cult with 45 year old terrorist record

..The official organ of the PMOI/MEK/MEK/PMOI declares in its October 1980 issue: “Ever since its foundation in 1965, the thrust of the battle against the U.S. advisors fell to the Mojahedin, who targeted and claimed the lives of a number for the first time, while it was the PMOI bombs planted in imperialist and Zionist institutions and destroying them which first caused the imperialists and their domestic mercenaries to be alarmed.” ..

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US Officials Paid to Support Terrorist MKO

Two former high-profile US officials acknowledged that they had been paid by the anti-Iran terrorist group, the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO), to endorse de-listing the group from the US State Department’s list of terrorist groups, a report said.The report released by the Inter Press Service on Tuesday said that for years now, supporters of the anti-Iran terrorist group have lobbied in vain to have the organization taken off the US terrorism list.

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Mr. Kohzadi officially declares separation from MKO

I realized that there was no mark of that democracy and freedom MKO propaganda claimed. I decided to leave the organization. I declared my defection but they didn’t accept. They told me that I had to be imprisoned in MKO prison for two years and then in an Iraqi prison for 8 years. Then Iraqi government would decide for my fate. So I got forced stay in the organization because I knew about the terrible conditions of Iraqi prison, AbuQuraib.

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Mojahedin Khalq propaganda machine cannot hide the facts at Camp Ashraf

.. Rumsfeld gave ‘Pentagon protection’ to his terrorists in Iraq while the UN and ICRC expressed their concern over the issue and argued (fruitlessly) that the MEK is a paramilitary group, not a civilian population and this designation had no legal basis. But in any case the status would not apply after 2006, a year after the first elections in Iraq – a fact repeatedly corroborated by British, European and American officials…

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An Unholy Alliance

..While the human rights issue of the refugees trapped in Camp Ashraf has to be dealt with in a compassionate way, the State Department must continue to resist pressures to legitimize the MKO. Pressure to remove the MKO from the U.S. terrorism list is a cynical ploy that can only have negative consequences for both the U.S. and the Iranian people.Legitimizing the MKO will not change the fact that it remains a terrorist organization, which has betrayed the Iranian people twice and is willing to go to any length to promote its undemocratic goals..

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Learn from the past—Don’t harbor MKO terrorists

The West used to support notorious killers—Saddam Hussein and the Taliban—because they had the same enemy. And now, in an attempt to disrupt Iran, the West is befriending and supporting the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MKO). The West should learn from their disastrous experiences. The Arabic proverb”the enemy of my enemy is my friend”offers a seemingly innocuous short term logic which the US and Europe has bought into—but banding together with militant radicals to demolish a common enemy doesn’t work.

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