The MEK; the Hypocrites

The US and Possibility of Delisting MKO

we have already heard Rajavi addressing Camp Ashraf residents, when it was surrounded by American forces, that between the arms and the master of the arms [Americans] he preferred the latter since the arms could be somehow provided at any time but hardly the master of arms. As a result, delisting of MKO is a revival of the group and its re-arming by the US for a new round of terrorism whether Americans intend it or not. But what will be the consequent of unleashing the terrorist Mujahedin..

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Mujahedin Khalq Partners Must Watch Out!

.. No diplomatic or intelligence force should be engaging with the MKO terrorists. What the MKO says they stand for now is irrelevant. What the MKO has done to the Iranian people is unforgivable and—puppet or no puppet—they simply have no place in the equation..The MKO leaders are professional charlatans and they know how to raise money by using “human rights” poster children in order to gain sympathy .They are disgustingly slick. And now they have partners—Israel’s Mossad intelligence, the United State’s CIA, and Britain’s MI6.

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Ali Einakian; Joining and leaving Mujahedin – Part3

Regarding your personality you will realize the truth sooner or later.The mirage world is actually made by Massoud Rajavi and that’s the near overthrow of Islamic Republic. He first used this tactic in 1980. Forces who had joined MKO were mostly honest Idealists who trusted the organization, so they were simply manipulated by Rajavi. They accepted all his analysis and theories. They never hesitated to think about them. However, such mechanism had limits. The more members waited for the overthrow of regime, the less they trusted the leader..

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MKO Supporters, Lack of awareness or deliberate plot?

Most Iranians and a grim minority of Western journalists and scholars understand that the MKO has a Hitleresque type leadership. People who follow the activities of the MKO know that the US State Department designates the MKO as a”cult-like”terrorist organization that”uses propaganda and terrorism to achieve its objectives.” the mainstream public the MKO may appear to be a legitimate organization pushing bonafides democracy..

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Dr. Abolhassan Banisadr opposes MKO and American warmongers

..Well, regarding Mr. Rajavi, it is a 180 degree change. MKO started its activities by assassination of Americans in Iran. Now the organization is doing something that’s never been recorded in our history. They pay western politicians to travel and to participate in their gatherings to gain their support…Those who were in Bush administration are not simple. They are a bunch of warmongers who moved ahead the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan ..

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MKO, in a Bid to Change from Coercive Diplomacy to Diplomacy of Begging

Another reason for her change of tone is the illusions she has undergone; first being motivated by a political simplicity that America has adopted a desired attitude against Iran and second, the organization has to regain its alternative priority if derogated from the status in anyway. In the past to convince, or better to say coerce, America to consider the sole alternative, MKO’s position takings and statements were totally different. Once, nearly two decades ago, Mehdi Abrishamchi actually warned Americans against espousing any other alternative rather than MKO..

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Western citizens have to pay for MKO’s expenses

Since MKO agents are more active in Scandinavian countries, their propaganda and fund raising champagnes have a network of front organizations in those countries to lead the group’s tactics..Deceptive charity actively is a way to launder money which is often used by terrorists and criminals. Their illegal activity can also include, smuggling trafficking, extortion and corruption. MKO terrorists have to launder the proceeds from their fund raising activities in order to be able to use them to run their propaganda machine and terror campagne..

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MKO members hurt themselves to prevent investigation

… Iraq is a sovereign country. Iraqi will not allow the Mojahedin Khalq to remain in the country to carry out the dirty work of their backers in the US, EU or Israel. According to the Interior Ministry source, while the Government of Iraq is committed to the human rights of every individual, including the MKO/MEK/PMOI members in this camp, it is also committed to putting an end to this ridiculous situation of a camp where there is no school, no marriage, no work, no registry, no children, no visiting rights, and so on. ..

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MKO duplicity in medical care of Ms. Hemmati

… The Mojahedin claim that the advanced nature of her illness is as a result of the Iraqi Government placing limits on them. Even if you produce evidence and documents to support this claim, your history shows another story… When, in the time of Saddam, they gave the body of Hayedeh Hemmati to her family in Switzerland, the Swiss doctors emphasised that if Hayedeh had been brought for medical help a year sooner, she would have survived. But two months before the death of Hayedeh, in the year 2000, when the Ideological leader (Massoud Rajavi) …

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Sweden FRII warns citizens not to donate to MKO fraudulent front organizations

Christmas is coming and the Swedish people, donate part of their earnings to charity. Meanwhile the fraudulent groups use the opportunity to raise their own funds, manipulating people’s emotional feelings…Council of funds raised by volunteer charity organization of Sweden FRII has published a list of organizations considered as untrustworthy charities…Among those organizations, one can see the name of some organizations related to Iranian immigrants and front organizations working for Mujahedin Khalq organization/MKO/MEK/PMOI..

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