The MEK; the Hypocrites

US politicians and the CIA openly support MKO and Jundallah terrorists

There are approximately 3 thousand MKO terrorists in Iraq being protected by the American military. Many American soldiers have died escorting these terrorists on shopping trips inside Iraq. I dare the American government to tell the parents and loved ones of these soldiers who were killed that they died escorting communist terrorists who are on the State Department’s list of terrorism on shopping expeditions.In 2003, American forces attacked a camp in Iraq and killed some of those terrorists, and ever since then we have been protecting them and using them inside Iran to do terrorists activities.

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MKO’s Response to Tariq Aziz’s Death Sentence out of Character

The accounts of MKO activities are agreeably and accurately documented by the governments of France, the United States, and Iran. All have the same opinion that the noteworthy initial visit with the MKO’s Masoud Rajavi and Tariq Aziz signifies a precise turning point in the history of MKO endeavors. That meeting was the start of a long-term strategy in which Rajavi lassoed power and led the group into a bizarre existence as he became an autocratic ideological leader with a cult of personality.

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MKO Has No Base Amongst Iranians

..What many Americans don’t know is that the MKO/MEK/PMOI, has no base among Iranians. And it should have no base among the few Americans supporting them anyway because the MKO committed murderous acts of terror against Americans…No Iranian would agree with the MKO’s motto that they are “The Voice of Change for a New Iran.” Which Iran is the MKO referring to? The one that has few, if any, supporters? The one full of MKO defectors?..

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The disarmament and consequences for Rajavi’s Cult

.. the disarmament of Mujahedin Khalq Organization aka MKO/MEK/PMOI became the key factor to break the spell of the members’ minds. They started thinking about their past and future which seemed catastrophic to the leaders. It was just like an enzyme called family that affects all political, strategic and organizational lines in MKO. Eight years past that time, the leaders of cult are still incapable of controlling those minds that are seeking family and future.

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Mr. Sarrafpour Letter to the US Secretary of States concerning MKO

.. You are a mother yourself and I am sure you understand the feeling of this young girl (Maryam) and her old grandfather to meet the father of this young girl. Why MKO leaders panic to allow a father that after 22 years still have not seen her daughter, reunite even for an hour with his family? The truth is that, Rajavi and MKO leader trying to keep absolute control over their members by separating them from their family; Consequently, getting undivided loyalty and attention. At the same time, in Europe, Maryam Rajavi, is trying to claim a humanitarian face for her MKO cult while denying a young girl to meet her father. Why they are so scare of meeting a young girl with her father? …

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Mrs. Maleki Letter to the US Secretary of States concerning MKO

Its ideology is a combination of Marxism and Islam.Their ideology is based on fighting against capitalism and they believe that the United States of America is the symbol of global capitalism and they call the USA ‘the World-Eater Imperialism’. Their ideological principle and objective is based on fighting against the United States and its interests, and in this regard they have written and published many books such as, The Carter Presidency (World Eater Imperialism).

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No Aid from the West for MKO Cult

It’s difficult to believe that the MKO’s [MEK/PMOI] spying system is really more reliable than those of the most powerful and technologically advanced nations in the world. Alireza Jafarzadeh bases his recurring allegations on satellite photos that he presents. How can the MKO, a designated terrorist organization own a spying satellite and the US or other nations not know about it? Pentagon Spokesman Geoff Morrell told Agence France Presse,”I don’t know if this site is one that they have discovered that our intelligence experts have not seen.”He adds, “I find that hard to believe but we shall see.”

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Mojahedin-e Khalq lies exposed by Government of Iraq and families

… On this occasion, an 18th vehicle was refused entry for legal reasons, after it was searched by Iraqi soldiers. An Iraqi official at the camp rejected the Mojahedin’s allegation as lies and said the Government of Iraq is doing all it can to assist the people inside the camp and has offered extra help which has been refused (MEK leaders have refused to allow some members who are seriously ill to be transferred to specialist hospital facilities in Baghdad). He also explained that vehicles are searched to prevent illegal items, such as arms, being taken into the camp …

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MKO and Western Support—what’s the Motive?

Despite international sanctions, Iran began fueling its nuclear power plant in Bushehr, a small city on the southwest coast. The sanctions were imposed to prevent Iran from moving forward with its nuclear program, and as this was going on, a slew of propaganda began to emerge in their wake. The MKO (aka MEK, PMOI, NCRI) began a massive letter writing campaign, and also got involved in publishing articles on their website claiming that Iran had nuclear weapons. The MKO nourished the anti-Iran media…

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