The MEK; the Hypocrites

Neoconservative Iran Policy Committee lobbies for terrorist MKO

..the source of the information — the MEK[MKO/PMOI/NCRI] is listed as a terrorist organization by the State Department — and the group’s affiliation and promotion by U.S. neoconservatives pushing hard-line policies towards Iran are reasons for skepticism. Both the State Department and independent experts have raised several alarms about the reliability of the MEK’s claims…

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Iran: Americans should stop using MKO terrorists to distort facts

… Iran on Friday categorically denied a claim by the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) about a clandestine underground atomic site near Tehran.”We don’t have such a facility, if they have any details they should inform us so that we can thank them,”Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi said on Friday. The remarks by the Iranian officials came after MKO on Thursday had claimed that it had evidence of a new secret underground atomic site in the country …

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Official ridicules MKO terrorists claim of new nuclear facility in Iran

… “In Iran there is no nuclear facility with its own specific definition which has not been declared to the agency (the International Atomic energy Agency),” Ali Akbar Salehi told the Mehr News Agency. Mocking the MKO for such naïve reports, he said, “If they have news of such a thing they can inform.” The director of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran dismissed a claim by the Mojahedin Khalq Organization that Iran is building a new nuclear enrichment facility …

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Mojahedin Khalq uses paid western propaganda machine

… Mojahedin Khalq organisation have given out false statements distributed widely by western propaganda outlets that the Iraqi army has been carrying out operations against their members confined in Camp New Iraq (formerly Ashraf). The Iraqi army has not engaged in such operations and the false allegation is intended to disturb the state of alert given out against al Qaeda and Saddamists in the wake of news that they are to carry out a large terror campaign against civilian targets across Iraq …

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Rajavi’s bloody hands under democratic gesture

The most recent news on MKO’s [MEK/PMOI/NCRI]servitude towards Israel and its interest for bloodshed was its fanfare on the opening of Bushehr Power Plant in Iran, citing from John Bolton, American controversial figure that it would be dangerous and military invasion to Iran would be necessary …

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Court Order Doesn’t Mean MKOs Removal from U.S. FTO List

Regardless of John Bolton’s—or any other official’s ambition for Iran, and regardless of the MKOs position or non-position on the FTO list, the MKO simply can not and should not be a trusted device. Following the 2005 report of Human Rights Watch on MKO/MEK/PMOI/NCRI atrocities against its own members titled”No Exit,”various cases of human rights violations by the MKO was revealed through testimonies made by the group’s former members..

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Disgusting show on the MKO television

..the satellite television of the Rajavi cult showed two of its victims called Barat-Ali Rigi and Sa’id Sohrabi-Nezhad forced to insult their own families in front of the camera. These two shattered victims under severe psychological and physical pressures imposed by the Rajavi cult were made to call their own families “vile clown” and name the action of their suffering families as “circus of animal”…

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Open Letter to United States Secretary of State considering MKO

… Massoud Rajavi in his admiration for Osama Ben Laden and his organization, Al Qaeda, he said, ”This was fanatical Islam which trembled and shacked the basis of US Imperialism and they destroyed the twin towers which were the symbol of their power, and successfully reduced it to rubble through their successful mission”. Then he (Massoud Rajavi) with a smile on his face continued his war cry and said, ”What will happen to the USA if revolutionary Islam with our Ideology and Maryam’s leadership comes to power …

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The Mujahedin-e Khalq: Who are they really?

The leadership of [MKO/MEK/PMOI]. has not set foot in Iran for almost thirty years, and yet still feel entitled to speak on behalf of Iranian citizens. Do they really know what the people want? Why so many MEPs, MPs and other policy makers cannot see this as a problem is difficult to understand. It cannot be for a lack of information, because the group has been extensively written …

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Rajavi’s ten days to shake the world

Massoud Rajavi’s call in mid-May for the instigation of the national uprising in a ten-day period, beginning from June 10 to 20, was his granted opportunity for a joint interaction for many others who were also seeking opportunities from outside of Iran. Rajavi thought himself the center-point of a struggle circle to whom all lesser and minor points around had to attach themselves

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