The MEK; the Hypocrites

Gathering in Taverney, the new fiasco

..after months of manipulating advertising techniques through its sizable direct and cyber propaganda machine, Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO, MEK, NCRI, PMOI, NLA) managed to hold its announced gathering at Taverney, near Paris, on 26 June. But what happened in Taverney went against the expectations and predictions regarding the number of the participants of the Iranians living in European countries. ..

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Maryam Rajavi, Taverny gathering and fruitless tumult

On July 26th, when MKO propaganda champagne held a gathering in Jean bouin stadium in a small town called Taverny, Maryam Rajavi had nothing to say except repeating her previous nonsense. She was even unable to present new ideas for MKO members. She could not suggest a solution for the mire MKO was stuck in although MKO made efforts to get rid of it… A look at thoughts and personality of this warmonger element reveals shocking facts to those who still have a sense of nationalism and patriotism..

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MKO and Grasping for Support in a Very Wrong Way

..More than half a century has passed since the world has known of Stalin’s terror and his cult of personality. But beware: There is similar potential retribution toward the country of Iran as the dissident group, Mujahedin el Khalq (MKO) attempts to use the media to sell a message that they exist in the name of justice, democracy and peace. Former members of the group have compared its leaders to Stalin..

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Why Mojahedin Khalq welcomes new sanctions against Iran?

… The evidence is a multitude of published reports by state-run research organizations and institutes that recognize MKO responsible for sporadic bombings, assassinations, violence, unrest and anarchy after the 1979 revolution in Iran. Although at the present enjoying the support of the Hawks, the official positions of the US officials and particularly the Congress and the State Department do not confirm that of a supporter and still recognizes MKO as a terrorist group …

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Families need assistance to stop victimization of their children

… The families’ persistence appears to have had its effects on the residents as well. What the organization and its advocates call a Psychological warfare employed against MKO/MEK/PMOI sounds to have acted as a waking bell that has already frustrated the overriding cult influences that has developed a family-phobia in members. The increased number of escapes since the settlement of the families indicates …

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Victims in Camp Ashraf continue to suffer as MKO forces video performances

… Mohammad Karimi has been made to sit before a camera without his military uniform, he is seated somewhere like a gymnasium inside the garrison. His speech is marked by MKO-speak and cult jargon as he swears at and insults his own sister and the Prime Minister of Iraq. Karimi claims that he is at war with Iran and that Iran’s leader (Ayatollah Khamenei) and the Prime Minister of Iraq (Nouri Al Maliki) have been defeated simply by him sitting inside the camp and refusing to see his sister …

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Whose right is being violated?

.. As a globally known terrorist cult that respects no ethics in its political and social demeanor, MKO/MEK/PMOI has a repute of having problem with conventional values and whatever secures the coherence of human relations and hardly one can encounter and hear terms like family, father, mother, wife, husband, son and daughter in its lexicon as they are all dangerous threats to its integrity …

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Mujahedin in Denial

..Although camp leadership has essentially been told by the Iraqi government that they are no longer protected, the members are still being told they are. Members are still isolated from the outside world, and they are regularly exposed to the groups’ own media. This propaganda campaign, an emblematic tactic for the MKO[MEK/PMOI], keeps members subdued and believing that the organization maintains strength…

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Rajavi’s Message: Symbol of a Leader’s Distress

Rajavi uses condescending language and erratic reasoning to affront the families whose loved ones remain in the camp. Further, Rajavi claims to be a follower and admirer of Mosadeq (the Iranian President who nationalized the oil industry in the 1950’s) and quotes his words, saying,”My family is my nation”. Although he compares himself to, he fails to mention the atrocities…

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