The MEK; the Hypocrites

MKO latest propaganda stunt against families

If Rajavi and his associates believe in the sincerity of their claims and that Mojahedin have cut all familial attachments for a greater cause, then, why are they afraid to let these veterans with such high morale meet with their families? It is really abominable to disregard rights of some old parents, wives and children who are tolerating all kinds of suffering to meet their sons, husbands and fathers enslaved, rather than being volunteer fighters, within a closed military camp.

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Families’ demands force Rajavi’s back against the wall

… Unfortunately, Western governments, because of their reluctance to take any action to curtail the activities of this terrorist cult in their own countries, are placing their citizens’ lives and their own reputations under threat. The following statement issued by the MKO (aka NCRI) is indicative of this diversion from the real issue of having family members sitting outside the camp gates for over 100 days asking to meet with their children…

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Whose rights is MKO concerned about?

Although the organization succeeded to bamboozle the EU into believing that it has denunciated terrorism to be removed from the list of terror, its maintenance on the US FTO and its open protest against the terrorist convicts explains its eagerness for the glorification of terror acts committed by parallel organizations now that it cannot openly get entangled in terrorist activities.

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Families have kept their vigil before the gates of Camp Ashraf for over 70 days

(Families of victims of Mojahedin Khalq/MKO/MEK/ Rajavi cult/ Announcement No.2) ..Why is it that whenever the existence of the leaders of Mojahedin Khalq is under threat, some unfortunate people have to burn themselves on their command to save the skin of these leaders? Is it not the case that the lives of the people inside this camp are only valuable in that whenever Massoud Rajavi feels the need, he can send some of them to their deaths? …

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Rajavi forces our children to sign his lies to UNAMI

(Families of victims of Mojahedin Khalq/MKO/MEK/ Rajavi cult/ Announcement No.3)… What danger could the old men and women, who only want to see their children, pose to anyone. What the MKO/MEK/PMOI cult leaders really mean is the danger they pose to the very existence of the cult’s rules and regulations which they are imposing on our children. Rajavi is clearly shaking with the thought …

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Rajavi’s hypocrisy regarding recognized campaigners of Iran

Rajavi has sought refuge in historical, popular, and revolutionary figures of Iranian history to justify his anti-national activities during years of his so-called revolutionary struggle. In other words, he misuses the repute of the distinguished Iranian freedom fighters as well as the leaders of social revolutions, particularly in the recent century, like Sattar Khan, Baqir Khan and Modarres to cover up his political scandals..

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Iraq rejects MKO claim that families are Iranian intelligence officers

… The PMOI, also known by the abbreviations MKO and MEK, is a militant socialist organization that advocates the overthrow of Iran’s current government. Founded in 1965, the PMOI was originally devoted to armed struggle against the Shah of Iran, capitalism and Western imperialism. Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein dedicated Camp Ashraf in Diala province, northeast of Baghdad, to host the PMOI members …

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Mojahedin Khalq, Woman and Freedom

.. Perhaps, they can never imagine that behind the laughing and friendly visage of Maryam Rajavi as well as her popular slogans on the women rights, there is a monster who looks at human, and women in particular, as crones for misleading others. They may never believe that Rajavi regards woman as an obsession … Unfortunately, the westerners usually resort to what is stated overtly rather than what is done covertly by Mojahedin aka MKO/MEK/PMOI

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Report on the MKO attack on the families on Thursday night

… Iran-Interlink did, however, record some film that day, which will be broadcast in due course. This film will first be presented to the UN office, the Iraqi Judiciary and relevant human rights organisations.The knife wielding Mojahed woman has been identified and the families concerned are already in the process of submitting a law suit against her …

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Reality Check: Understanding a terrorist organization, MEK

Among MEK’s [MKO/PMOI]terrorist acts against civilians, the most crucial ones are “Attack on offices of General Motors in 1972, Bombing of offices of Oman Bank and Pan-American Oil and of gates of British embassy in 1974,suicide attacks targeting senior clerics in Tabriz, Khorasan, Shiraz and Rasht in 1981 and 1982,simultaneous raids on Iranian embassies in 13 countries in 1922,..

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