The MEK; the Hypocrites

MKO: People’s Friends or Foes

Maryam Rajavi’s trip to Germany indicates Europeans double standards towards terrorist and violent groups. They endanger the security of their own countries by playing an illogic game with such groups. According to political principals and EU laws, any group or entity with a background of terrorist, violent acts against civilians should be boycotted for much political financial or spiritual support..

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Maryam Rajavi pushed the organization into a black hole

… Maryam Rajavi has no ability to deal with these problems and merely resorts to matters of appearance, showing off and empty gestures – donning expensive dresses and throwing glamorous banquets and feasts where she preaches about democracy. She has succeeded in bewitching some European politicians, and … Massoud Rajavi is hiding out of fear of being tried in a court of law. But he casts a deceitful and demagogic influence over those 3500 victims stranded in that prison..

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Reality Check: MKO Terrorist, Marxist

A quick search on MEK ideology, history and the official reports by international bodies, gives you the connotation that the group has not been founded on secular basis and its founders had not been inspired by a secular doctrine….Ali Safavi initially deals with the Marxist label on MEK. He claims that MEK/MKO/PMOI was founded as a “Muslim organization … and its founders sought a secular republic and establishment of a democracy in Iran.”(!)

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Allawi tarred with the MKO’s Saddamist brush

… Struan Stevenson is a strong advocate of the Washington/Zionist backed foreign terrorist group, Mojahedin-e Khalq(MKO) which continues with its illegal presence in Iraq. The Government of Iraq had charged that the MKO have been actively interfering in Iraqi affairs over the past six years. The MKO base Camp Ashraf (now Camp New Iraq) was used as a covert meeting place for Saddamists …

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Rajavi and his critics

..any critic or complainer will face a variety of allegations since the leader never tolerates them. It is a well proven fact within Mojahedin Khalq Organizatin (MKO, MEK, PMOI, NCRI) and Massoud Rajavi goes further in his message of January 20th in an attempt to justify his hostile and aggressive reactions against his critics..

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NLA, Iranian’s historical achievement

… It seems that Rajavi has been persuaded that his tricks are of no use and new methods are required to divert the attention of Ashraf residents from realities. The new assertion of Rajavi in his message of January 20th can be evaluated in this regard … Rajavi’s grandiose claims have many irrecoverable consequences paid mainly by NLA and Ashraf residents as his false promise of short-time overthrow failed and was replaced by a promise of 6-month..

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The Psychotic World of The Rajavi Couple and Their Marxist-islamic Cult

..Many Iranians view the MEK as traitors because the MEK supported Iraq’s terror invasion of Iran. .. the MEK/MKO/PMOI helped carry out Saddam’s brutal repression of Shiites and Kurds. So the MEK served Saddam Hussein, as even Daniel Pipes [who, though he’s a decent man who reveals a lot of facts, still falls for the MEK propaganda] admitted that “during its 17 years in Iraq, it also had to do Saddam Hussein’s bidding”.

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The Mask Maryam Rajavi wears

Under the cover of an elegant muslim Iranian woman, she claims to be concerned over what she calls “tragic suppression of women by the regime”. Then she introduces her cult of personality as an example of “women’s participation in leadership positions which supplies the dynamic and vitality for this resistance’s perseverance and progress”. She speaks of the role of her female members as “a guarantor for lasting democracy and development in tomorrow‘s Iran”..

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Solution or an escape from challenges

The concerns that had been challenges to MKO’s leadership in the past three decades can be well met in Rajavi’s message of January 20. Of the main issues is that of overthrowing and changing the Iranian regime. The strategic cul-de-sac and failures of Mojahedin in recent years have resulted in taking some cursory policies including declaring short-term overthrow, entering the phases of armed warfare ..

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Rajavi’s Revolutionary Cul-du-sac

After decades of accusing Pahlavi of treasons and crimes and struggling against them, Rajavi makes a U-turn ..The fugitive leader of Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO, MEK, PMOI) has started writing his memoirs to allegedly inform the Iranian youth. In the ninth part of his serial messages, he has used his last card to achieve the support of Western countries as well as other so-called opposition leaders…

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