The MEK; the Hypocrites

Paranoid delusions, Rajavi’s adopted solution

What is of great significance in Rajavi’s 20 January message that seems to be continued for some time is his paranoid delusions. Going through Iran’s past thirty-year history by weaving together distortions and misreports that may only emit from a paranoid mind, he is trying to put the blame of all ideological, political and strategic failures of all these years on external intrigues against his organization..

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MKO begs Iraqis’ help to stay in the country

“An unknown user asked me to contact Iraqi as well as American officials to ask them let the MKO stay in Iraq,” an Iraqi member of an Arab discussion forum told Habilian Association (families of Iranian terror victims) news website…“We will deliver your letters to the.. he quoted Mustafa ..

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How MKO raise funds?

Working in groups and under the cover of humanitarian organizations and charity institutions Mujahedin/MKO/MEK/PMOI published some pictures of war-worn, orphan and homeless children to encourage people to help them. This invoked the reaction of security forces of fight against money laundry, Maryam Rajavi was arrested ..

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MKO’s opportunist attitude

In 1994, when the US State Department published a report on MEK/MKO/PMOI and its terrorist Marxist background, NCRI (MEK’s political wing) tried to cleanse the accusation in a rush act claiming that the organization has never been in anti-US front especially during its 28-month political phase between February 1978 and June 1979 and even it had been in opposition to anti American movements!

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MKO denies Fatah report

On January 21, 2010, Habilian Association (families of Iranian terror victims) news website reported that the official website of the Voice of Palestine (Fatah Movement) would remove all news regarding the anti-Iran terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO). The report also quoted Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas as saying “no MKO news should be reported by Palestinian media”.

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MKO fundraising for Haiti ?

Swedish authorities have made some decisions to prevent these individuals or institutes from financially abusing people. It has published a list of organizations that are considered as untrustworthy charities..Among those organizations, one can see the name of a front organization working for Mujahedin Khalq organization which is named “Mujahedin Sympathizers Society”(MSF) .

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Diverse attitudes of MKO terrorist cult

Looking at a nearly two decade-long history of collaboration between a dictator and a terrorist accomplice, it is not hard to speculate about the reasons for MKO’s falling out with the post-Saddam Iraqi Government. From its very first days of escape from Iran and its settlement in France, the organization and Saddam felt close affinity and there started a covert collaboration between the two and MKO willingly began to accept Saddam’s donations …

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Type of government MKO imagines of

Democracy is the term Mujahedin use in their speeches, messages, propaganda shows and court appeals. But they cannot remove the facts from history and the memoirs of millions of Iranians who witnessed the treasons MKO committed against their own country during the eight years of Iran-Iraq war. What’s MKO’s assessment about Iranian people? How can MKO/MEK/PMOI replace democratic slogans for its actions as Saddam’s notorious accomplice?

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Maryam Rajavi – the real message following the Haiti disaster

… A source inside the Mojahedin organisation’s headquarters in the affluent Paris suburb has reported that the earthquake in Haiti has been tagged as a fundraising opportunity. In an Open Letter to British PM Gordon Brown, Massoud Khodabandeh of Leeds based MESC Ltd, warned that the MKO’s … Under the patronage of western supporters, the MKO’s bogus charity was immediately reinvented under other names – in particular those fundraising for Camp Ashraf in Iraq.

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Maryam Rajavi and 12 months to overthrow

As a matter of fact it has always been a special policy in MKO history to determine a time for the fall of IRI. The use of the policy is that the leaders of the cult find a new topic for their manipulative sessions, they entertain the members injecting them the hope for the victory of their so-called struggle, especially in the current declining situation of the group in Iraq.

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