The MEK; the Hypocrites

MKO’s illusion of being above the law

Being under such an illusion, MKO/MEK/PMOI has been a trouble for any country whose authorities have been under obligation to deal with this terrorist cult according to their countries’ laws. It has its own criteria to judge about the laws and what the right may be which are, of course, found out of the regular and adopted constitutions and regulations. Above that, it considers itself a law-making nucleus whose laws overshadow that of any legal body of legislation and every instrument of law enforcement; within its organizationally codified laws it outlaws any law that goes against its interests.

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Freedom according to Rajavi

Considering the 3 decade history of Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization[MKO/MEK/PMOI] and the testimonies of hundreds of former member of the organization denounce the true nature of Maryam Rajavi’s destructive cult in which modern slavery is practiced and members are imprisoned in Camp Ashraf, Iraq or Camp Maryam, France. These facts about Maryam Rajavi and her terror cult clarify the contradiction between her claim for freedom and the real conditions ruling her cult.

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A look at Maryam Rajavi’s interview with AFP

Maybe Maryam Rajavi doesn’t want to accept the fact that she and her fugitive husband have to be brought on justice due to their terrorist acts and human right abuses committed in their cult. She’d better have look at the limbo Camp Ashraf has been tangled In. the truth is that the case of Camp Ashraf doesn’t enjoy the least value or importance in political transitions of the world. This is what Maryam Rajavi should worry about.

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MKO forges Lebanese girl photo

The Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI), an anti-Iran terrorist group, forged a photo, relating it to Tehran’s Ashura unrests.The MKO’s official website put a photo of a Lebanese girl with her head bleeding, claiming she had been injured in the midst of Tehran’s Ashura unrests on last Sunday, Habilian Association (families of terror victims) news website reported.

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A solution to counteract MKO misinformation

the Iraqi Government’s ultimatum reaching its final days, theMujahedin Khalq Organization aka MKO/MEK/PMOI is also preparing to confront, as it has already threatened, any move by the Iraqi forces against its bastion as it did in July that resulted in many casualties..While the Iraqi Government prefers not to run out of patience with the group to find a peaceful solution to end the issue..

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Human Rights in MKO’s Ideology – Part 3

While she claims that any type of force or impose on women for their family life is forbidden, Maryam Rajavi imposes the most serious forced separations on MKO families especially on those women who were in love with their husbands and had lived with them for a lot of years..

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MKO misuse a religious occasion

Taking advantage of the occasion as usual, MKO aka MEK/PMOI hijacked the Shia Muslims Ashura event and a number of the group’s provoked and paid thugs tried to disturb the streets in Tehran by chanting anti-regime slogans that resulted in casualties including four deaths. The move was the outcome of a plot to initiate a vast propaganda to demonstrate the current ten-day lasting religious ceremonies in Iran as scenes of nationwide uprising against the regime that reached its climax on its last day…

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Human Rights in MKO’s Ideology – Part 2

Do you know any woman in Ashraf, who is allowed to remove her scarf? Do you know any woman in Ashraf who is free to wear clothes other than military uniform assigned by the organization to wear?Do you know any woman in Ashraf to believe in any religion or ideology except the ones that Rajavis dictate?Do you know any individual in the entire cult of Rajavi who is allowed to do any job except the one that the leaders assign? Do you know anybody (either male or female) who is allowed to complain about the plan or job he or she is assigned ..

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Maryam Rajavi and her so-called human rights

When in November 2009, along with her propaganda campaign she goes to Norway Parliament, again she repeats her pro-democratic slogans using gestures of a human right defender; what kind of freedom does she believe in?!..Exactly on the same month, on Nov.28th,2009 while a group of former members of MKO are holding a protest demonstration in Cergy, France, to protest against the presence of Maryam Rajavi in that country, the agents of the destructive cult of Rajavi attack the protesters, hitting them on the face and eyes. The physical clashes end when the police intervene

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