The MEK; the Hypocrites

Human Rights in MKO’s Ideology – Part 1

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Maryam Rajavi published a message that included a lot of slogans on what she wants to do in the future Iran but her claims are exactly the opposite of what she really believes in and how she really acts. Although she uses such slogans in Europe as her ideals, Camp Ashraf represents a pattern of the society Rajavi wants to establish in Iran. The study of Rajavi’s treatments towards her members reveals that her slogans are her deceitful, political tools to ..

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MKO angry backlash against transfer

Simultaneous with Iraqi Prime Minister’s remarks concerning “Transfer of Camp Ashraf residents to Nuqrat al-Salman”, MKO has started a vast propaganda blitz to show its strong opposition to the decision and blatantly tries tolerate the decision to a pressure from the Iranian regime on the Iraqi Government as it is the group’s typical..there are some facts in MKO’s published statement that demonstrate an open threatening tone and the possibility of a humanitarian catastrophe in Ashraf.

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MKO plots against the Iraqi people fail

while he was in Jordan, Mr Stevenson again raised the issue of the MKO in Iraq and how they could be helped. Jordan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs answered that Mr. Stevenson “could resolve the situation by offering all 3400 PMOI refugees visas to come to live in Scotland!” No doubt this was not the kind of help Mr. Stevenson was looking for. ..

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Maryam Rajavi symbol of suppression and disappointment

They also compare her with Martin Luther king. What a ridiculous comparison! Today former members are denouncing her true face so no one would believe her nonsense. As they described in their memoires of their membership in the cult, Maryam Rajavi orders the female members to bear hysterectomy operation in order to kill the least hope for emotions and family life ..

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Rajavi’s big lies and misinformation apparatus

It seems that Rajavi has learned his lessons associated with propaganda, conjuring lies and deceit from the known instructor of them, that is Joseph Goebbels; a master of the”Big Lie” who is quoted “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it”. And in fact, it has been the infrastructure of Rajavi’s propaganda machine at least during the past thirty years.

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Iraqi official: Spain welcome to host Washington backed MKO

… An aside by an Iraqi official to Iran Interlink tells the story. “There is no mention of a Spanish judge in our constitution”, he quipped. ”But we are quite clear that the MKO is illegal in our country. If Spain would like to host the MKO on its own soil, they are welcome to them!” … nobody who has any knowledge of the MKO would imagine that this is anything more than a three day propaganda offensive designed to shore up the remnants of the Saddam regime to irk the Iraqis who refuse to hand over their country to Saddamists.

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Rajavi’s strategic bastion on sale

… The concluding words of Rajavi in his message of November 4, after putting a price on Ashraf, are boasting about the potentiality of Ashraf residents to overthrow the regime side by side of the Iranian people. How can he bargain so precious a whole potentiality that can so easily play a decisive role to change a regime! But the members residing in Ashraf have to face the reality that Camp Ashraf, with all its potentialities and the made sacrifices, is on sale and the price is set by the very same person who encourages the members to resist.

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The Truth MKO leaders Claim

The leaders’ of MKO/MEk/PMOI terrorist cult try to pretend that their organizational system wants to bring happiness and prosperity to people but actually they see their members as weak individuals who are not able to live freely and to face the Truth of the life. Massoud and Maryam Rajavi are well aware of their real goal which is maintenance of their power in the cult and achievement of power in Iranian political scene.

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Ashraf, Rajavi’s favored horse to ride

Rajavi’s message of November 4, seemingly addressed to Iranian mobs who instigated the recent sporadic domestic crises, is nothing more than desperate struggle to cease the already started measures to put an end to the issue of Mojahedin in Iraq and the Camp Ashraf residents in particular… Rajavi himself knows better than anybody that the best thing to do at the present is to do and say nothing since at least the past thirty years has proved that his promised democratic revolution is nothing more that childish fancies ..

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Who Is Hassan Daioleslam?

Hassan Daioleslam has been “said by multiple sources to be affiliated with the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK, or MKO) — a terrorist group (classified as such by the State Department) with close ties to the Saddam Hussein regime…. Massoud Khodabandeh, former MEK member who is now a leading expert on and critic of the group: “I can say without doubt that Hassan Daioleslam is a member of what I call for accuracy ‘the Rajavi cult’ [referring to MEK leaders Massoud and Maryam Rajavi]. In this respect he is obedient to the Rajavi leadership and would not act in a way inconsistent with their requirements ..

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