The MEK; the Hypocrites

Rajavi’s fallacious reasoning for MKO’ maintenance

Rajavi’s message contains a new and considerable point too and that’s the conditional acceptance of leaving Iraqi territory by Rajavi. Rajavi says that he welcomes the plan by Iraqi government to transfer MKO to a third country but “on condition that MKO’s properties and funds that have been produced by their own expenses and works for 23 years and mounts to 200 million dollars should be investigated according to lawyers’ opinions.”

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Massoud Rajavi wants 200 million dollars – is it a joke?

… As we ex-members all know, the MKO leaders will now be holding all kinds of meetings among the rank and file about that 200 million dollars. They will be saying that Brother Massoud is trying to do whatever he can for you, and that he wants to get this money to give to you … They are trying to convince people that really want to leave and get on with their lives, that if you go now you will get nothing, but if you wait and do what I say you will get something. This is just like before when Fahime Arvani said ‘we’ve got billons of dollars and whoever stays with us will get his or her share’.

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The UN monitors the situation in Ashraf

Despite of attempts to demonize the Iraqi government to show a strong objection to the decisive decision of its expulsion from Iraq, Mojahedin-Khalq Organization (MKO, MEK, PMOI) seems not to be intelligent enough to realize that it fails to dupe all the world as it has done with its own insiders. There are those who may be misled by its propaganda blitz that the Iraqi government has packed a number of innocent people inside an isolated camp just in the middle of a scorched desert ..

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NIAC issues statement against MKO misinformation campaign

NIAC has provided tens of thousands of documents and all its financial records in order to prosecute a defamation case against Hassan Dai[MKO/PMOI member]. Those documents prove the allegations made against NIAC are completely false. The judge denied Dai’s motion to dismiss the case on 18 out of 19 counts. Realizing this, the defendants have decided to maliciously leak those documents to a reporter at the Washington Times

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What MKO leaders fear?

MKO uses the terms like democracy and human rights as tools to crush those who believe in other ideologies than that of MKO. However, the news of families’ visit to Ashraf where their children are captivated by MKO and MKO leaders do not allow them to meet their beloved ones, exactly represents the contradictory behavior of Rajavi’s cult ..Given that the families are sent by IRI, it is not even fair to deprive some elderly parents who have not been able to contact their children by phone for long years, from visiting them. What kind of human rights do MKO/MEK/PMOI leaders believe in?

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Iraq to expel Washington Backed Mojahedin Khalq

… Second Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi parliament, Aref Tayfour, said MKO/MEK/PMOI members must be transferred to a third country far from Iraq and Iran to be unable to infiltrate the borders of the two countries … Late in July, Iraqi security forces stormed Camp Ashraf in Iraq’s Diyala province near the Iranian border and shut it down. Camp Ashraf had been housing some 3,500 members of the terrorist group for years.. The organization is also notorious for using cult-like tactics against its own members and for torturing and murdering its defectors.

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Ancient Iran Association Letter to Mr. Vidal Quadras Roca

We the victims of this cult , urge all the European politicians specially the politicians who have been deceived and fallen in pmoi’s ambush by their glamorous slogans which are devoid of any real content to revise their support of this notorious and dishonorable cult( Rajavi’s cult/MKO/MEK/PMOI) and instead , question and inquire them for the numerous crimes which are perpetrated and carried out by them against the people of Iraq and Iran and suppression and slaying of its own dissidents .

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Camp Ashraf, MKO’s political excuse in the West

(An interview with Batool Soltani on MKO self-immolations – a précis of parts 33-34)- … While the organization calls the world’s attention to Ashraf to intervene to stop the human tragedy taking place there, which also puts its great impact on the Ashraf residents as well, it does not shrink to sacrifice all of the camp’s members to survive and further its ends The propagandas persuades insiders to insist on their resistance since they may come to believe that for sure something would come out of these propagandas …

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How ‘Terrorists’ Become ‘Freedom Fighters’

World-renowned critic of US foreign policy and host of the popular syndicated radio program Alternative Radio, David Barsamian, also said that the MEK/MKO/PMOI is far from popular in Iran and is commonly misconstrued as being so only by hardliners while beating the drums for further ventures of US imperialism. In fact Barsamian explained that when such advocates of these types of policies use terms like”democracy,”or”freedom,”they often mean just the opposite.

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