The MEK; the Hypocrites

Hierarchical administration of information within MKO

(An interview with Batool Soltani on MKO self-immolations – Part 30)..none of the information would be circulated among the rank and file and there was a strict hierarchical discipline with no leak to the lower ranks..Massoud and Maryam Raajvi always insisted on the exigent priority of the Leadership Council and were of the opinion that information had to be restrained within the council. The lower ranks of MKO/MEK/PMOI had to only carry out the orders of the top even if the day came when a mass suicide was inevitable ..

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Let’s emancipate women enslaved in Rajavi’s cult

no cult has overexposed women using them instrumentally as much as MKO/MEK/PMOI…During the recent conflicts in camp Ashraf, it was observed that these women were used as human shields to prevent the entrance of Iraqi police to camp Ashraf and also to win the sympathy of the world toward Ashraf residents…what is of significance is the full-scale propaganda blitz of MKO on the necessity of saving the life of thousands of women living in camp Ashraf. Although the efforts of Mojahedin media were focused on MKO leaders, now they have been concentrated on the issue of MKO female members ..

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Neda had been tutored from the childhood

(An interview with Batool Soltani on MKO self-immolations – Part 26).. … To talk of my acquaintance with her, we were once on the same team-work in Camp Ashraf before the US invasion of Iraq and when Maryam (Rajavi) was still in Ashraf. However, Neda left for the Europe simultaneous with Maryam’s relocation to France…

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The members were coerced into dedicating themselves to Massoud and Maryam

(An interview with Batool Soltani on MKO self-immolations – Part 24).. their daughter had committed suicide and they could change nothing for her loss. Then, the organization put two choices before them; to move in parallel with the organization’s scenario in glorification of their daughter’s death or take an opposite side and spoil everything and sully their daughter’s name

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MKO’s new propaganda show

Following their failure in the so-called hunger strike in Camp Ashraf ,London, New York … where Mujahedin Khalq didn’t succeed in drawing Western governments’ attention to their terrorist cult, last week they launched a new propaganda campaign in order that they could find the West’s sympathy by their new show.. the more Mujahedin play the role of spies for the West, the less they can find support among Iranian people.

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Neda’s family feeling obligated to the organization

(An interview with Batool Soltani on MKO self-immolations – Part 23)..Now compare the organization’s indifference to Khata’s death and its manner and conduct with Neda’s family before and after her suicide operation. That is because Neda’s family lived abroad since long and they could push the organization[MKO/MEK/PMOI] into real crisis if they wanted and reacted against her death. So the organization mobilized all its power to bring her family under its control ..

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MKO’s Stalinist Power Structure

Rajavi succeeded in making the individuals empty of their human characteristics. The individuals are devoid of “Joy of life”, so they are always anxious and agitated about their future. They can never trust others even their family members or friends. These manipulated individuals can no more be critical about their leaders’ acts. The individuality is totally denied in MKO and this is a disastrous danger that risks the humanity and lives and future of at least 3500 people who are victims of MKO cult

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Hunger strike, the comedy still on the scene

As the MKO’s propaganda claims, on September 5th, the doctors recommended about 15 participants to stop their hunger strike because they were going to reach the unreturnable point! If the claim had been true, at least a number of those participants would have died until now, but there have been no news on the death of any of those participants yet. The current situation shows that the few people who were on hunger strike, were just playing a dramatic show..The criminal leaders of MKO terrorist cult defeated in their new show

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Hunger Strike: Idiot Behavior or Negative Reaction

Imposing hunger strike on Ashraf residents is a reality. It is a being which is now showing off in Camp Ashraf but it is not a truth..In fact, Rajavi believed that terrorist acts should be led in MEK manner under its coherent organizational system, and then the objectives would be better achieved.. During the meeting he tried to combine the violent acts of Usama Bin Laden with MEK’s[MKO/PMOI] terrorist trends, to conclude his own plan..

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Weekly sessions, a process to secure obedience to Rajavi

(An interview with Batool Soltani on MKO self-immolations – Part twelve)..The more the time passed, the more he was obsessed with plans to become a magnet to draw devoted members and insisted to exactly, even if forcibly, accomplish the pattern he was holding onto. He was merging the principle of guidance with its authoritative aspects and opportunism to create a holy man of himself called the ideological leader.

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